Backup Exec Quick Start Edition ( QSE )
Very often there are queries on the connect site related to BE Quick Start Edition.
This blogs explains what all and what not is included in the QSE.
BE Quick Start Edition is a cut down version of Backup Exec. QSE is shipped by Tape Drive manufaturers
along with the hardware.This edition is useful only for a small setup like a single server with a tape drive.
For larger setup full version of BE will be required. For media server OS compatibility refer to Backup Exec
Software compatibility list.
Features Included in QSE:
- Can be used to backup only standalone server (server on which QSE is installed)
- QSE can backup to a disk as well as to a tape
- Supports DLO ( 5 Desktop & Laptops only)
- With LEO multiple tape drives can be added to the library.
Limitation of QSE:
- Cannot backup remote servers
- Cannot backup any application like SQL, Exchange, Sharepoint, Oracle, SAP etc.
- Cannot backup any UNIX \ Linux OS.
- Cannot enable any options like Deduplication, CASO-MMS, SSO etc.
- Apart from LEO no other agent or option can be enabled in this edition.
Quick Start Edition can be converted into a full version of BE by simply installing BE Core Product (media server)
license. There is no need to uninstall existing setup. Upon installing the license key all the features which are
included in the license will be enabled. Additional Agents & Options can be enabled too by installing appropriate
license key.
Note: By default advance features like Policy based backups and Encryption are not enabled.
You need to manually enable these features In BE console, click on Tools -> Options -> Preferences ->
"Full-show all available features of BE"
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