Configuring SPSWrapper Timeout via registry.
Recently I have seen a spate of escalations where the Microsoft SharePoint Resources node is not visible in Backup Archive and Restore (BAR) GUI and as a result SharePoint backup fails with Status 2.
Initially I suspected some configuration steps were missing but SharePoint_check.exe came clean and so does our spprobe.exe but the issue still remains.
After investigating the logs from various customers, it was discovered that the process SPSWrapperX.exe, which is responsible for discovering SharePoint topology, is timing out before we could discover the topology and hence we are not seeing the Microsoft SharePoint Resources Node in BAR GUI.
To overcome this problem we can configure a Timeout option in registry for discovering topology.
Create a new Key called “Timeout“ under
Then create a REG_DWORD value “gettopology” under Timeout and assign it a decimal value to the number of Seconds for timeout.
After we set this, the SpswrapperX.exe process would use this timeout for discovering topology from next time.
NOTE - This modification needs to be done on SharePoint Servers and not on SQL backend. This is because we specify the SharePoint server name in the backup client in the NetBackup policy and that server is responsible for discovering the SharePoint topology.
Gaurav Kaushal