Product Support Web Site
Click on the following link and choose the relevant EV related product (they all start with “Enterprise Vault”, i.e. “Enterprise Vault for Microsoft Exchange”) and you'll be taken to the support site where you can search for KB articles, compatibility charts, tech notes and other sources of information. You can also sign up for regular updates via email so you can be kept up to date with new support notes and service pack info.
TIP--> Sign up for monthly digests to all the EV Products you are currently running.
Customer Forum
A place for EV related discussions and Q&A. This is an active forum with contributions from Symantec employees and other EV customers.
Enterprise Vault Product Management Team Blog (the blog you are reading now:)
A place for the EV Product Team to post useful EV Product related articles & info for your consumption
White Paper Archive
A useful source for more detailed information about EV
Ecampus and TechCenter
This is discussed in more detail in another posting but is a useful source for general EV information and also offers some free self paced learning modules.