Enterprise Data Services Community Blog
FAQ: Difference between BESR and BE.
14 years agoLevel 6
Some of the main differences between Backup Exec and Backup Exec System Recovery:
1) Backup Exec is a backup and restore software, whereas Backup exec System Recovery is a recovery software.
2) BESR can write data only to disks not to tapes, whereas BE can write to both.
3) BE works at file level whereas BESRworks at block level.
4) One of the main features of BESR is dissimilar hardware restore technology. One can perform a Bare Metal Restore of a system with Backup Exec also, but mostly onto a similar hardware.
5) BESR can perform Physical to Virtual conversations, BE cannot.
Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0Kiran_Bandi
Level 6
Joined June 23, 2010
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