Enterprise Data Services Community Blog
Mbx Archiving State / Mbx Exchange State
16 years agoLevel 6
Often the question of what is the different states of MbxArchivingState and MbxExchangeState in the ExchangeMailboxEntry table.
The Archiving State translates as follows:
0 = Not Enabled
1 = Enabled
2 = Disabled
3 = Re-Link
To view the Archiving State you can use the following:
SELECT count(MbxArchivingState) as '# Mailboxes',
MbxArchivingState as 'Archiving State'
FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
GROUP BY MbxArchivingState
The Exchange State translates as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Hidden
2 = Deleted
To view the Exchange State you can use the following:
SELECT count(MbxExchangeState) as '# Mailboxes',
MbxExchangeState as 'Exchange State'
FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
GROUP BY MbxExchangeState
Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0Wayne_Humphrey
Level 6
Joined October 02, 2007
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