Welcome to the EV Product Team Blog
This has been a long time coming but we're pleased to welcome you to our Blog, we want to use this platform to share information,ideas and general cool stuff that we think you want to know about. We know the support forum has been out there for quite some time now and this has proven to be a good place to get peer to peer advice and support from other active EV users. But with the advent of this Blog we will be able to bring you the official line on product development, service packs and keep you plugged in to the EV ecosystem.
So keep watching this Blog and spread the word; you can subscribe or use the RSS feed but you do need to register and get a SYM Account on the Symantec Technical Network, but this only takes a few minutes and you can do this here
Many Thanks
Your EV Product Team
Message Edited by EV Guys on 10-09-2007 08:14 AM
Enterprise Data Services Community Blog is the perfect place to share short, timely insights including product tips, news and other information relevant to the community.