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EV9: Moving Vault Store Partions from one Data Domain Device to Another

InsentraCameron's avatar
14 years ago

Problem: How do I move a Vault Store Patition from one Datadomain device to another?

Assumptions: Enterprise Vault 9 and SQL Server 2008

Solution: Follow these steps to move a Vault Store Partition from on Data Domain device to another:

1. Set Backup Mode on all Vault Stores and index locations.

     a. Log onto the Enterprise Vault server.

     b. Open the Vault Admin Console.

     c. Right click on the the site node and choose Set Backup Mode for both Vault Stores and index locations.

2. Perform a full backup on SQL and Enterprise Vault servers.

3. Check the Watchfile table using SQL Server Management Studio for items. If you have some entries you should follow this to clear them.

4. Copy the Vault Store Patition(s) from the first Data Domain device to second Data Domain device. Note: Record the path to the new location of the Vault Store Partititions.

5. Stop all Enterprise Vault services.

     a. On the Enterprise Vault server, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

     b. Right click on Enterprise Vault Admin Service and choose Stop.

     c. When asked "Do you want to stop these services?", choose Yes.(This will stop all of the Enterprise Vault services.)

6. On the SQL server, open SQL Server Management Studio.

7. Expand Databases.

8. Expand the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database.

9. Expand the Tables.

10. Right click on the dbo.VaultStoreEntry table and choose Edit Top 200 Rows.

11. Find and record the VaultStoreEntryID for the Vault Store of the Vault Store Partitions that you have to move.

12. Right click on the dbo.PartitionEntry table and choose Edit Top 200 Rows.

13. Using the VaultStoreEntryID obtained in step 11, find the rows for the Vault Store Partitions that you have migrated.

14. Change the entry for the PartitionRootPath in the dbo.PartitionEntry table to the new location of the Vault Store Partition recored in step 4.

15. Repeat step 14 for each Vault Store Patition that needs to be moved.

16.Close SQL Server Management Studio.

17. Start all Enterprise Vault services.

     a. On the Enterprise Vault server, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

     b. Right click on each stopped Enterprise Vault Service and choose Start.

18.  Clear Backup Mode on all Vault Stores and index locations.

     a. Log onto the Enterprise Vault server.

     b. Open the Vault Admin Console.

     c. Right click on the the site node and choose Clear Backup Mode for both Vault Stores and index locations.

19. After verifying that Enterprise Vault is running correctly and there are no errors in the Application or Enterprise Vault log, the original Vault Store Partitions can be deleted.





Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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