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No ordinary service pack…

Andy_Nash's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

After the successful launch of Enterprise Vault 11, it is time for another exciting new release. Today, I’m pleased to announce the general availability of Symantec Enterprise Vault™ 11.0.1. You can download the kit from Symantec File Connect here (

Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 is packed with lots of new features to help you Archive Anything, Access Anywhere and Manage Efficiently.

As the title alludes to, Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 is no ordinary service pack… justifying an upgrade couldn’t be easier! How about reduced TCO for Exchange Journaling, Smartphone & Tablet optimized search solutions, reduced PST migration time, supervisory review for social and SMTP items, hooked? Here's some more details:

SMTP Archiving
Ingesting content into the archive couldn’t be easier with the introduction of a new high performance, highly flexible and robust SMTP agent. Utilizing the SMTP protocol, Enterprise Vault can now archive any content sent to it via any application or product that supports sending email.

Apart from other benefits, the new capability offers huge ROI and reduced infrastructure costs for journaling, with no dependency on MAPI for crawling large journal mailboxes. The journal feed can be sent directly to Enterprise Vault instead of maintaining multiple journal mailboxes on dedicated Exchange servers.

NetApp c-Mode Filer Archiving
Archive content from NetApp Data On-TAP Cluster Mode (cDOT) and replace with Placeholders to preserve seamless end-user experience.

EVS Tablet Support
The power of Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) now optimized for tablet screen sizes and touch devices.

EVS Mobile
Finding your email archived items on the go is now quick and easy with Enterprise Vault Search Mobile edition (EVS Mobile).  

EVS Mobile is a smartphone optimized, archive search solution for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile.

SMTP & Social Media Enhancements for Compliance & Discovery Accelerator
Accelerators are now able to search and sample utilizing two new categories, SMTP and Social Media.

Compliance Sampling in Storage
Compliance Sampling has been moved from being a per-archive task function to being a core capability.

PST Owner Identification
Allow Enterprise Vault to determine true PST ownership by intelligently sampling the contents of each PST. This technique greatly reduces the impact of admin intervention due to not knowing who owns a PST file.

SCOM Management Pack
Enterprise Vault’s SCOM (Microsoft System Center Operations Manager) management pack has been enhanced to include monitoring and alerting for SMTP Archiving as well as SQL database fragmentation checks against all Enterprise Vault databases.

Separately downloadable Enterprise Vault Client
The latest clients can be downloaded from FileConnect without having to download the full Enterprise Vault kit, allowing faster and more targeted package download.

Support for Outlook 2013 SP1 on the server
Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 supports the use of Microsoft Outlook 2013 SP1 to be installed on the Enterprise Vault server.

Support for SQL 2014
Enterprise Vault, Discovery Accelerator & Compliance Accelerator now support the use of Microsoft SQL Server 2014.

For more information of all the new capabilities the Enterprise Vault 11 releases offer, check out the benefits of Enterprise Vault 11 quick guide here:

You can also visit the “Upgrade to Enterprise Vault 11” portal here:



Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
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