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Veritas Run goes virtual this February

ManasiPhadnis's avatar
5 years ago

The Veritas Run (VRun) in Pune, India has always been a favorite event conducted by the people of Veritas, for the people of Veritas. To make any event successful, every aspect needs to be in place – a team that is ready to push the envelope, a leadership team that trusts, believes, and sets high standards for the team, and a very enthusiastic organization, which is Veritas.

VRun 2018VRun 2018 was a dream conceptualized by a group of women who were health conscious and wanting to do something for their wellbeing. The journey of thinking, planning, and executing the very first VRun was no less than a dream come true. Veritas Pune leaders signed off on the VRun concept and soon a VRun core team was formed. This team partnered with one of the best marathon organizers in Pune and on 1 December 2018, the streets of Pune were painted in bright red, with 900+ people running in cool Veritas branded red t-shirts. Spouses and children were the most enthusiastic participants.

VRun 2019During early 2019, queries started pouring in about VRun 2019 and the planning team got back into action. This time we invited parents too and the response was overwhelming. Over 1200+ Veritas employees and their spouses, children, and parents registered in no time and then we knew #FunAtVeritas was not just a tagline. Early on the morning of 30 November 2019, the runners started from Veritas’ Baner campus and flooded the streets in their smartly designed black VRun t-shirts. It was as if the ‘dark knights’ had risen on the streets of Pune at the break of dawn.

2020 brought a lot of challenges in the form of COVID-19, but this was not enough to quell the enthusiasm of Veritas employees and leaders. With a very creative core team, we have come up with a virtual run plan #VRunGoesVirtual. The VRun registrations are now closed and we have a whopping 1203 enthusiastic employees and their family members eagerly awaiting the day of VRun 3.0 on 6 February. The preparation has already started with a 21-day Fitness Challenge leading up to race day.

VRun supported NGO - I Gift LifeThe VRun kit couriers will be out soon and the participants from 20 states and 151 cities across India and will be set to shine in blue. And this time, we are running for a cause. IGiftLife is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that spreads awareness about organ donation. The NGO was founded in 2016 with a vision to save as many lives as possible by encouraging more people to talk about organ donation. You can read more at

VRun has firmly become part of our culture and there is no stopping us now. The entire Veritas family is all set, once again, to achieve yet another milestone. Together we can. Together we VRun.

Updated 5 years ago
Version 2.0
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