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NetBackup 7.0.1 supports VMware vSphere 4.1

Brian_Smith1's avatar
15 years ago

One of the most frequent questions in the Symantec booth at VMworld 2010 was “When will NetBackup support vSphere 4.1?” Answer: NOW!  If that’s not enough detail, here are some additional FAQs on the topic.

Q: What is VMware vSphere 4.1 and when was it released?
A: See the VMware vSphere 4.1 What's New for details. It was released in mid-July 2010.

Q: What NetBackup version do I need to support vSphere 4.1?
A: NetBackup 7.0.1, which was released on August 31, 2010.

Q: Will previous NetBackup versions support vSphere 4.1?
A: No. Before upgrading to vSphere 4.1, NetBackup must be upgraded to 7.0.1.

Q: Were any new NetBackup features or capabilities introduced for VMware protection?
A: Aside from supporting vSphere 4.1 and various continual improvements, NetBackup 7.0.1 for VMware does not introduce any new features.

Q: What are the known issues for NetBackup 7.0.1 for VMware?
A: See the NetBackup 7.0.1 Release Notes for details. Note that some of the issues are awaiting resolution from VMware. As always, please contact your support provider for assistance.

Q: Are Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 guests supported by NetBackup?
A: Yes, when using the vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP), introduced in NetBackup 7. VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) does not support those guests. See the NetBackup 7 Virtualization Compatibility Guide for details.

Q: What is the future of VCB?
A: VMware has announced that VCB support will end after vSphere 4.1. The NetBackup release notes (above) also document our intent to discontinue VCB support in a future NetBackup release; only VADP will be supported.

Q: vSphere 4.1 is the last release to support ESX (hypervisor with a service console). In the future, only the console-less ESXi will be released. What impact does this have on NetBackup?
A: None. NetBackup has always supported both ESX and ESXi. No NetBackup changes will be needed when only ESXi is released.

Happy Virtualizing!
Brian Smith
NetBackup Product Manager

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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