NetBackup 8.2: A Little More Hustle – Modernizing online documentation with videos
Veritas believes in keeping up-to-date with the market requirements, trends, and online documentation; there are no exceptions. “Modernizing the Information Development content of NetBackup 8.2 has been one of my major goals for the fiscal year”, said Misha Vaughan, Sr. Director Customer Experience. To achieve this milestone, Vaughan’s team produced brief, 5-minute videos covering four major topics:
- External Certificate Authority (ECA),
- Integrated Snapshot Management (ISM),
- the Upgrade Experience,
- and Agentless Restore.
Why Videos?
First, this was the most crucial investment area our customers requested at least year’s AMS customer forum when discussing improving documentation. Second, we wanted to make a better entry experience into the documentation. These videos give you that easy walk through "the front door.” Third, we tried to ease the adoption of new concepts. We know documentation of new concepts via video can make complex ideas easier to digest. Fourth, we were looking to complement, not compete with, content already produced by educational services, partners, and solutions marketing. We knew that straight ahead, brief, how-to explanations where an unmet need.
Details about the Documentation Videos
The video concept first came into existence during the NetBackup release, which targeted a limited set of customers. The ECA feature video was a pilot project that was delivered successfully to a few customers, like Morgan Stanley & Intel. Later, the same ECA video was upgraded to support NetBackup 8.2 release. The other three videos- ISM, Upgrade experience, and Agentless Restore have been produced to cater to NetBackup 8.2 release.
What about other languages?
Thanks to the Globalization team, External Certificate Authority and Integrated Snapshot Management videos are supported with French, Simplified Chinese and Japanese human voice overs. All these videos are also supported with French, Simplified Chinese and Japanese closed captions (subtitles) depending on the user’s browser language settings. Voice overs and closed captions can be toggled as per user’s preferences.
You might ask why machine translation? Remember, we are talking about online documents; these are living documents which can be updated. To keep the video content equally up-to-date would mean constantly re-recording the audio, so we decided to give the machine voice over a go, as it allows us to move faster to keep content current for customers.
Where are these videos published?
The videos are embedded in the NetBackup 8.2 release documentation and published to the Veritas YouTube channel and support portal.
External Certificate Authority
Integrated Snapshot Management
What our customers & partners have to say about these videos?
Customers asked for these videos, but we wanted to make sure we got it right. The CPEP team hosted sessions to validate the idea, flow, and content of these videos with a few customers and strategic partners. Customers and partners liked the idea of producing short informative videos on ECA, ISM, Agentless Restore, and Upgrade Experience as it will make their users’ lives easier. For partners, it will save time and effort in explaining these features to their customers.
For more information
Go and check out these informative videos and feel free to share your feedback with us at