Blog Post


Veritas Marches On

Neal-Armstrong's avatar
10 years ago

Veritas has been busy this March with the announcement of the NetBackup vSphere 6 same day support, support for Google Cloud Storage Nearline, and even hosting the first ever NetBackup Reddit Ask-Me-Anything (AMA).  We here at Veritas are excited about the advancements taking place both within Veritas and within the marketplace.

During our AMA we answered your questions as accurately and quickly as possible, but we were cut short due to a technical issues with the site.  Don't worry thought, we will have a follow up AMA early summer.

There were great questions, comments, and feedback posted during the AMA. Here are some of the questions and comments.  To see the answers go to the Veritas NetBackup AMA.   


  1. What -can- you tell us about general plans/directions? What kinds of good stuff is going on in the world of Netbackup?
  2. Any plans to directly partner or offer your own cloud storage? Amazon and Google offer super cheap storage. I know we can direct backups to cloud vendors now; just wondering if you'll be working with customers to make it even easier/cheaper.
  3. Elephant in the room is Veeam. What do you offer in direct competition with Veeam and why do you think your product is better?
  4. Last I checked, the licensing and add-ons and options still seemed to be a mess. In my opinion... the marketing info rarely makes clear that certain options are extra $$$. Are you planning on making it clearer which add-ons and options are extra cost?


  • We purchased a Netbackup appliance for a testbed in one of our outer offices and found it to be a very simple solution. The ease of setup allowed us to basically drop it in and start backup for or environment in less than one hour. Also the ability to replicate images using acceleration (AIR) between the outer office to the larger backup environment was a pleasant surprise.


  1. Why didn't you capitalize VERITAS? I thought marketing was pretty clear on the branding thing.
  2. Are the walls in HRO still awful Lego colors?
  3. Shouldn't it be "My voice is my passport?"
  4. Has science figured out a way to keep people awake during one of van den Bosch's presentations?

Thank you all who joined the AMA and other announcements this month. We look forward to more announcements and our upcoming AMA early this summer.

Get get your questions ready. 


Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
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