With the sold out DockerCon17 over it is time to reflect on the week. The weather was certainly nice and Austin is always a great place to visit but I am proud that we were gold sponsors of this important event and able to participate in, and contribute to, the energy. I sensed a lot of excitement, noted that the ecosystem is dynamic and evolving fast and felt that containers are on the cusp of really taking off.
We had a lot of interest from attendees (hundreds stopped by our booth and came to our session “Software-Defined Storage for Enterprise Containers”) – they loved the idea of storage with predictable performance, quality of service and support for the full range of enterprise capabilities including data protection from established vendors with not only product depth, offering breadth but also a world-class global support capability. Our engineers engaged attendees in conversations about their storage management challenges and discussed the leadership that Veritas is looking to provide on this front through our, currently beta, software-defined storage offering for container environments, HyperScale for Containers.
During the event we had some great conversations with industry analysts who were supportive of our value proposition, were invited by The Cube to discuss our participation and were also recorded by VMblog. My colleagues have been posting on diverse aspects of our up-coming offering – you might enjoy reading:
- Snapshots and recovery of persistent volumes
- HyperScale for Containers: Enterprise Benefits
- Predictable performance with containerized applications
I am looking forward to the upcoming release of our offering. More to follow on that - stay tuned.