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Why investing in Veritas Resiliency Platform is the best path forward

Ranjit_Nair's avatar
10 years ago

Resiliency Platform’s heterogeneity stance lends to easy management

While virtualization is widespread, there are various reasons why a lot of enterprises aren’t able to reach the 100% mark. Most important of these is their mix of legacy (physical) servers that are still running critical business services. Heterogeneity comes in other forms as well. As per Gartner and IDC, 30% of enterprises will have more than one virtualization technology (hypervisors) running in their environment by 2018.With these in mind, it is essential that enterprises look for solutions that add value not just to their current needs, but also takes care of future investments.

Veritas Resiliency Platform is built on the principle of supporting such multi-vendor hybrid environments, including helping customers accelerate their adoption of public and private clouds. With support for physical and virtual environments, multiple hypervisors and multiple data movers (replication), Resiliency Platform is the new age mantra that delivers on what customers expect – a genuine value add to their environments now and in the future.

Recovery Rehearsals are as simple as the click of a button

Testing a DR configuration is important. The question is- how difficult or easy are these tests for your enterprise?? What is the level of expertise required to run the test? Are your current DR tests successful?? And how long does it take?

With a very intuitive workflow based approach, Resiliency Platform makes it easy for users to run DR tests without requiring any formal training on the product. The user experience also remains the same across all environments (physical or virtual). DR test results are computed and made visible on the dashboard, giving you visibility into Recovery Time Objectives to the millisecond. With this level of predictability, your business is confident that you can meet those stringent Service Level Agreements, if you ever need to run a live DR failover event.

Failover and Failback with peace of mind

Depending on the scenario of a downtime event, you may require different levels of recovery granularity, whether it is recovery of a single application, virtual machine, multi-tier application or your entire data center.

Resiliency Platform gives you the flexibility to choose the level of recovery granularity that you need at any point in time. Resiliency Platform supports both application recovery (data) as well as recovering the entire VM (Boot + data). With Virtual Business Services (VBS), you can choose to protect and recover an entire multi-tier business service with a single click. VBS manages all the required dependencies between the application tiers and provides a seamless recovery experience. You can map and configure all networking parameters (IP,Subnet, DNS, vSwitch etc) that the applications/VM’s should use while they are recovered on the secondary site, and these parameters are automatically picked up by the application/VM when they are recovered without the need for any manual intervention.

In most cases, you don’t want your business running out of your recovery site for too long. It is essential to be able to  failback easily to your primary(original) site as soon as the site is healthy. A large number of enterprises find it easy to failover to their secondary site, but extremely difficult to failback to the original as it requires a complete reconfiguration of the assets.

Resiliency Platform provides seamless failback without requiring any need of reconfiguration. As soon as the primary (original) site is healthy, you can failback at your level of granularity using the Migrate workflow.  

Runbook Automation via Prebuilt or Custom templates

Automation is key. With different admins having ownership of different assets, you may want a way to provide controlled recovery, which can be verified by each admin. For example, while recovering a multi tier application, you want to bring the tier1 application first, validate it and then attempt tier 2 and tier 3 application recoveries.  Resiliency Platform provides controlled recovery using “Resiliency Plans”. You can model your recovery process into one or more Resiliency Plan. An ability to execute custom scripts via the Resiliency plan will also be made available in the next version of the product.

Simplified Licensing model - Buy as you need

Resiliency platform offers subscription based licensing with no additional charges for getting essential support. More importantly there is no need for dual site licensing,Resiliency platform requires only the production site VM/Apps to be licensed.


Veritas Resiliency Platform makes recovery easy- whether it’s for your physical or virtual environments, a single application, virtual machine, multi-tier application or your entire data center. Find out just how simple by downloading the Free 60 day trial. IT Business Continuity has never looked so simple.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0