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resource group
Hi, Whenever i like to add a new resource to a vcs resource group u do not need to freeze the service group. Whenever i carry out things on an existing resource in vcs service group i need to freeze the service group.If i extend the fule system in a service group first i freeze the service group. Please correct the above.lelunicu2 months agoLevel 415Views0likes0Commentsregistration
hi, in a 2 vcs node cluster with failover service when node a bring up the dg that comprises 5 disks,this node will write the registration and reservation key on every disk. at this moment on the disks is has not written the registration key of node b. right? if failover happens then what component deletes the reservation key of node a on disks? vxfend process?linuly3 months agoLevel 483Views0likes1CommentConfiguring SQL Server in a VMware environment?
I need to configure a VCS cluster for SQL Server in a VMware virtualization environment, intending to use VMwareDisks Agent and deploy it in a non-shared storage environment. However, I noticed in the documentation that it states, "Non-shared disks partitioned using GUID Partition Table (GPT) are not supported. Currently only Master Boot Record (MBR) partition is supported." Does this limitation still exist? If GPT partitioning cannot be used, how can we overcome the 2TB limit imposed by MBR partitioning? Given this, does this solution have practical value for most users in current applications? Are there any alternative solutions that you can suggest? Or is there a plan to address this in the next version? Otherwise, I believe there's little practical use for storing with VMwareDisks Agent in this manner.Solvedgang6 months agoLevel 362Views1like5CommentsConfigure two Mount type resources of nfs FStype attribute using the same share
Hello: I am configuring a new Service Group in a VCS cluster. In this SG I have to add two Mount resources which represents two filesystems that are mounted from a NAS filler. The singular condition is that in the NAS, there is a share that will be mounted in two different mount points. These are the share and the two mount points: NAS-FIller:/path/of/share /mount1 NAS-Filler:/path/of/share /mount2 I have tested manually (mount -t nfs NAS-Filler:/path/of/share /mount1 and mount -t nfs NAS-Filler:/path/of/share /mount2) and it worked, but when I configure the two "Mount" type resources, and try to bing the SG online, the cluster only bring online the first mount, giving the following error in the second one: VCS ERROR V-16-10011-4078 Mount:P_BI_CARGA_FS:online:Block device NAS-Filler:/path/of/share is mounted on a different mount point /mount1 The block device attribute is the same in both resources. Thanks for your help Receive my best regards oolmedooolmedo9 months agoLevel 4262Views0likes0Commentsorder
Hi, in https://sort.veritas.com/public/documents/sf/5.0MP3/linux/html/vcs_notes/ch01s12s01s05.htm is written repeat steps 3 to 7 on each of those nodes. I think better is 3 to 8. I mean after i apply patch on first node and reboot i switch back the service on node 1-then i take node 2. True?lelunicu9 months agoLevel 4409Views0likes3Commentskey registration and reservation
Hi, Let`s say we have 2 vcs nodes with fencing. hastop -local will leave the application running.The key registration and reservation on each disk in DG that was imported when vcs was started on node are still on the disks? If the service group failover then the key registration and reservation are deleted from disks by fencing driver?lelunicu9 months agoLevel 4619Views0likes0CommentsVerifying that primary and dr clusters replication is synced
Hello, What is a cli command meaning a programmatic way to check that disk/data replication between primary/secondary and DR nodes is up-to-date and synchronized, so it is safe to failover to DR? Thanks in advance.rkarch10 months agoLevel 0500Views0likes2Commentsresource
Hi, group sg_mnicA_bat ( SystemList = { mchp330a = 0, mchp347a = 1 } Parallel = 1 AutoStartList = { mchp330a, mchp347a } ) MultiNICA res_mnicA_bat ( Device @mchp330a = { bge3 = "", nxge2 = "" IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" ) Phantom res_mnicA_bat_phantom ( ) IPMultiNIC test4 ( MultiNICResName = res_mnicA_bat Address = "" IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" RestartLimit = 2 ) The resource test4 will create the interface bge3:5? If the bge3 fails then the failover on nxge2 and on nxge2:1? ifconfig -a bge3: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4 inet netmask ffffffe0 broadcast ether 0:21:28:6c:ab:bd bge3:5: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4 inet netmask ffffffe0 broadcast nxge2: flags=1000842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 7 inet netmask 0 ether 0:21:28:8c:f1:92 /opt/VRTS/bin/hares -display test4 #Resource Attribute System Value res_mnicA_bat Group global sg_mnicA_bat res_mnicA_bat Type global MultiNICA res_mnicA_bat Device mchp330a bge3 nxge2 Multinic is incompatible with ipmp?lelunicu10 months agoLevel 4354Views0likes0Commentsproxy
Hi, I like to understand in main.cf group ClusterService ( SystemList = { mchp330a = 0, mchp347a = 1 } AutoStartList = { mchp330a, mchp347a } OnlineRetryLimit = 3 OnlineRetryInterval = 120 ) IPMultiNIC res_ipmnic_clusservice_pub ( MultiNICResName = res_mnicA_pub Address = "" IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" ) Proxy res_proxy_clusservice_pub ( TargetSysName @mchp330a = mchp330a TargetSysName @mchp347a = mchp347a TargetResName = res_mnicA_pub ) res_ipmnic_clusservice_pub requires res_proxy_clusservice_pub group sg_mnicA_bat ( SystemList = { mchp330a = 0, mchp347a = 1 } Parallel = 1 AutoStartList = { mchp330a, mchp347a } ) MultiNICA res_mnicA_bat ( Device @mchp330a = { bge3 = "", nxge2 = "" } Device @mchp347a = { bge3 = "", nxge2 = "" } IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" ) Phantom res_mnicA_bat_phantom ( ) Question.Why res_ipmnic_clusservice_pub requires res_proxy_clusservice_pub because res_ipmnic_clusservice_pub uses MultiNICResName = res_mnicA_pub? IP res_ipnic_race_bak ( Critical = 0 Device = bge1 Address = "" IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" ) IPMultiNIC res_ipmnic_race_bat ( MultiNICResName = res_mnicA_bat Address = "" IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" RestartLimit = 2 ) IPMultiNIC res_ipmnic_race_pub ( MultiNICResName = res_mnicA_pub Address = "" IfconfigTwice = 1 NetMask = "" RestartLimit = 2 ) Proxy res_proxy_race_bak ( Critical = 0 TargetSysName @mchp330a = mchp330a TargetResName = res_nic_bak ) Proxy res_proxy_race_bat ( TargetSysName @mchp330a = mchp330a TargetResName = res_mnicA_bat ) Proxy res_proxy_race_pub ( TargetSysName @mchp330a = mchp330a TargetResName = res_mnicA_pub ) res_ipmnic_race_bat requires res_proxy_race_bat res_ipmnic_race_pub requires res_proxy_race_pub res_ipnic_race_bak requires res_proxy_race_bak Question.Why res_ipmnic_race_bat requires res_proxy_race_bat?lelunicu10 months agoLevel 4329Views0likes0Comments