Forum Discussion

Khanmoh's avatar
Level 3
6 months ago

StorageTek SL500 tape library is not detecting on 5260 Flex appliance.


I have connected StorageTek SL500 tape library directly to the flex appliance but it is not detecting. Please confirm it is compatible with 5260 flex appliance or not.

    • Khanmoh's avatar
      Level 3

      We have two tape libraries SL150 and SL500 and there are two 32 G Dual port FC cards installed. I have connected tape libraries directly to the appliance instead of SAN switch. We have successfully installed SL 150 tape library but now I'm trying to install SL500 tape library that has 3 FC ports, but in appliance only two 32 G ports are available. But robot is not visible for me, for testing I tried to connect 3 cables after removing 1 cable from SL150 but results are same robot is not visible only tape drives are visible for me. Kindly assist on it.                 

      • Khanmoh's avatar
        Level 3

        I have attached Flex appliance and Storage Tek Sl500 tape library cable connectivity pic. There are three FC cables in tape library, two cables for tape drives and one cable for robot/library. All three cables connected to the appliance  but on flex appliance fiber channel tab only two ports are showing up. Anyone please suggest how robot/tape library will detect because only tape drives are detecting on NetBackup.