Forum Discussion

Mujtaba's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Building NetBackup Global Cluster with VVR Option... need




I am trying to build a global cluster with VVR option. Where i have one NetBackup cluster in Site A with two nodes and one Netbackup Cluster in Site B with single node. I know how to do replication manually for the catalog but would like to add it to global cluster configuration to automate everything. I would appreciate if anyone can share the details what services need to be modified or new service group need to be created to accomodate replication part. If i can have a working for the above solution it will be really helpfull.


Best Regards



  • Thanks Adonis for replying, unfortunatly i am not looking for that. I already know the concepts and have setup the clusters accordingly on both sides. I can even create RDS and replicate Catalog manually using command line.



    What i am interested is in automating the whole process where the admin can just open Veritas Cluster Manager GUI right click and failover the VVR Service group along with NetBackup service group to the other side.


    I already have the NetBackup Service group setup on both sides meeting all the pre-requisites required. Now i only need to add entries to the file to setup automated replication...i will need to add dependencies i need to know what resources are required, what will be changed in NetBackup service group and what needs to be added to the VVR Service group which will be linked to the NetBackup Service group etc. 

    I just need the file if anyone has which will help me understand all that is required.




    • EdwardC's avatar
      Level 3

      You will need to implement both the RVG and RVGPrimary VCS agents.

      The following is an example from a GCO clustered ViOM installation.

      group SFM_SStore (
              SystemList = { server101 = 0, server102 = 1 }
              AutoStartList = { server101 }

              DiskGroup SFM_SStore_DG (
                      DiskGroup = vomdg

              IP SFM_SStore_IP (
                      NetMask = ""
                      Device = ens33
                      Address = ""

              NIC SFM_SStore_NIC (
                      Device = ens33

              RVG SFM_SStore_RVG (
                      DiskGroup = vomdg
                      RVG = vomdg_rvg

              SFM_SStore_IP requires SFM_SStore_NIC
              SFM_SStore_RVG requires SFM_SStore_DG
              SFM_SStore_RVG requires SFM_SStore_IP


      group SFM_Services (
              SystemList = { server101 = 0, server102 = 1 }
              ClusterList = { RHEL7 = 0, DR_RHEL7 = 1 }
              Authority = 1
              AutoStartList = { server101, server102 }

      ...cut to save space..

              IP SFM_Services_IP (
                      NetMask = ""
                      Device = ens33
                      Address = ""

              Mount SFM_Services_Mount (
                      FSType = vxfs
                      MountPoint = "/vomdb"
                      BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/vomdg/vomdb"
                      FsckOpt = "-y"

              NIC SFM_Services_NIC (
                      Device = ens33

              RVGPrimary SFM_Services_RVGPrimary (
                      RvgResourceName = SFM_SStore_RVG

              requires group SFM_SStore online local firm
              SFM_Services_IP requires SFM_Services_NIC
              SFM_Services_Mount requires SFM_Services_RVGPrimary
              SFM_Services_RVGPrimary requires SFM_Services_IP
              SFM_Services_XTRAPD requires SFM_Services_Mount


      Refer to page 265 of the VCS Bundled Agents guide for more details.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.



      • EdwardC's avatar
        Level 3

        Located NBU GCO VVR


        group nbu_group (
        SystemList = { server101 = 0, server102 = 1 }
        ClusterList = { NBU_DOMAIN_local = 0, DR_NBU_DOMAIN_local = 1 }
        Authority = 1
        AutoStartList = { server101, server102 }

        DNS nbu_dns (
        Domain = "DOMAIN.local"
        TTL = 120
        ResRecord = { nbuserver = prodnbuserver }
        StealthMasters = { "" }

        IP nbu_ip (
        Device @server101 = e1000g0
        Device @server102 = e1000g0
        Address = ""
        NetMask = ""

        Mount nbu_mount (
        FsckOpt = "-y"
        BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/nbudg/nbuvol"
        MountPoint = "/opt/VRTSnbu"
        FSType = vxfs

        NIC nbu_nic (
        Device @server101 = e1000g0
        Device @server102 = e1000g0

        NetBackup nbu_server (
        ResourceOwner = unknown
        ServerName = NBU_Server
        ServerType = NBUMaster
        RSPFile = "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/NBU_RSP"
        GroupName = nbu_group
        MonScript = NONE

        RVGPrimary nbu_rvgprimary (
        RvgResourceName = nbu_rvg

        requires group nbu_rvg_group online local hard
        nbu_dns requires nbu_ip
        nbu_ip requires nbu_nic
        nbu_mount requires nbu_rvgprimary
        nbu_server requires nbu_dns
        nbu_server requires nbu_mount

        group nbu_rvg_group (
        SystemList = { server101 = 0, server102 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { server101 }

        DiskGroup nbu_dg (
        DiskGroup = nbudg

        IP nbu_prodvvrip (
        Device = e1000g0
        Address = ""
        NetMask = ""

        RVG nbu_rvg (
        RVG = nburvg
        DiskGroup = nbudg

        nbu_rvg requires nbu_dg
        nbu_rvg requires nbu_prodvvrip