client_config on client failed for no MEDIA_SERVER entries were present in /tmp/NBInstallAnswer.conf
But I also can't find the MEDIA_SERVER in server bp.conf. Should the MEDIA_SERVER a mandatory parameter? How to configure it?
hpbc051-0-0-1:/root/.ssh-# sh /tmp/bp.58264/client_config [-L]
Validating entries in answer file: [/tmp/NBInstallAnswer.conf].
Using Java GUI and JRE option [INCLUDE] from the answer file.
The Java GUI and JRE packages are currently not installed on this host.
Including the installation of Java GUI and JRE packages.
The private_tmp value is /tmp/nbcheck_dir.445641
Checking for critical system conditions...
/tmp/bp.58264/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat2.6.32/nbcheck returned exit status 127.
WARNING: Unable to provide preinstall check results.
Continuing with the client install.
Successfully unpacked /tmp/bp.58264/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat2.6.32/certcmdTool_for_UNIX.tar.gz.
Checking connectivity to the master server.
NOTE: Depending on the network, this action may take a few minutes.
nbcertcmdtool: The -ping operation failed.
EXIT STATUS 8500: Connection with the web service was not established.
ERROR: One or more media servers are required in order to proceed
for this host and no MEDIA_SERVER entries were present in
/tmp/NBInstallAnswer.conf. Please resolve the problem in the answer
file and try again. Aborting non-interactive installation.
ERROR: Aborting the installation due to previously reported errors.
client_config failed