Forum Discussion

Di_Ro's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Configuring HA hybrid (Cluster & Standalone)



I want to configure VVR on Windows  for SQL Server.... This is the summary:

I'm using a 3 nodes MS Cluster for my primary site, they're working as file and database servers (SQL Server 2005), they are now working ok.

For my secondary site, I have a physical machine with ESX and 2 virtual machines with the same Windows and SQL Server version.

I know that I have to install SFW HA and "convert" every volume to vxfs for the replication, I'm planning to do a rolling up installation, but I don't know what will exactly happen to the cluster, because maybe it needs a storage reconfiguration in addition to the IP Resources for Replication or a sync process ... can  anybody help me?

  • Hi SysA,

    SFW-HA cannot be installed on servers that are running the Microsoft Cluster Service.  You will need to install SFW + MSCS option + VVR option on the MSCS cluster side.

    The MSCS option allows you to put Veritas Dynamic Diskgroups (VMDg) resources in the MSCS cluster.  The switching from physical disk resources to VMDg resources will take some planing.  It is much easier if you have a spare disk that you can use to create a diskgroup and add the VMDg resource to the MSCS service group without changing the resource dependencies of the existing service group.  Once the VMDg resource is there, setup the resouce dependies of all the resources to match their dependencies of the physical disk resources and remove the physical disk resources. 

    When the physical disk resources are deleted the cluster will release control of the disks.  At this point simply add these disks to the Diskgroup.  When all physical disks have been moved to the Diskgroup, remove the spare disk from the disk group to reclaim it and test the service group functionality.

    Use the recovered spare disk to repeat the process for your next service group.

    After this is done, it is then time to setup VVR at this site and start with the ESX site.



  • I assume MSCS is currenly being used WITHOUT SFW (i.e disk partitiions) , but are you migrating to:

    MSCS + SFW + VVR


    VCS + SFW + VVR

    For your ESX virtual machinces do the virtual machines have MSCS installed in them and are you planning to migrate these to VCS also?

    There is no vxfs in SFW - vxfs is only available for SF for UNIX, but you need to convert basic partitions to SFW volumes to use VVR.

    Regardless of cluster solution you will need the following cluster resources for SFW:

    • Volume Manager Diskgroup (VMDg) - diskgroup is pool of LUNS you are using
    • MountV - this assigns drive letter (or folder mount) to a volume

    In VCS you need the additional resource for VVR if second site is in a cluster:

    • Replicated Volume Group (RVG) - VVR management of volumes that are being replicated
    • RVG Primary - Make second read/write are reverses replication where necessary

    I think with MSCS, you cannot control VVR so you have to reverse manually when switching across sites.

    For VCS, you also have choice of whether to use 2 clusters with GCO (Global Cluster Option) or one cluster in an RDC (replicated Data Cluster) configuration (if you search for RDC on forum, you will see forums discussing RDC v GCO).


  • Thanks a lot Mike,


    I'm migrating to MSCS + SFW + VVR, but the secondary site will be two nodes in standalone, so I planned to create an IP Resource and a Network Name Resource in MSCS and the otherside will work manually.

    About the SFW volumes, thanks for the comment, I was in a mistake.

    But, I'm still confused, when I install SFW HA, do I have to convert to SFW volumes first or reboot with the new installation without any changes? I mean, what am I suppose to do with the MS Cluster? any reconfiguration? any resource creation? how the MSCS is affected?

    I don't know how they work together.



  • Hi SysA,

    SFW-HA cannot be installed on servers that are running the Microsoft Cluster Service.  You will need to install SFW + MSCS option + VVR option on the MSCS cluster side.

    The MSCS option allows you to put Veritas Dynamic Diskgroups (VMDg) resources in the MSCS cluster.  The switching from physical disk resources to VMDg resources will take some planing.  It is much easier if you have a spare disk that you can use to create a diskgroup and add the VMDg resource to the MSCS service group without changing the resource dependencies of the existing service group.  Once the VMDg resource is there, setup the resouce dependies of all the resources to match their dependencies of the physical disk resources and remove the physical disk resources. 

    When the physical disk resources are deleted the cluster will release control of the disks.  At this point simply add these disks to the Diskgroup.  When all physical disks have been moved to the Diskgroup, remove the spare disk from the disk group to reclaim it and test the service group functionality.

    Use the recovered spare disk to repeat the process for your next service group.

    After this is done, it is then time to setup VVR at this site and start with the ESX site.



  • Thank you Wally!!


    I will try to follow your recomendation and look for the MSCS option, I suppose this is a VSF agent, right?