Migrate ApplicationHA to new vCenter server
We're consolidating a number of vCenter servers into a single instance. One of the clusters we want to move has VMs managed by AppHA 6.0.1. Is there an easy way to migrate the cluster configuration from the old vCenter server to the new one without causing any cluster outages or losing the cluster configuration?
I've found this article on how to deal with the permanent loss of a vCenter server, but an unsure what might happen if the existing vCenter server stays online.
You can use the procedure mentioned in the document to change the vcenter server instance.
1. Unregister the plugin from the old vcenter server.
# PluginMgmt unregister <ApplicationHAConsole_IP> <old_vCenterServer_IP> <vCenterServerSDK_Port> <old_vCenterServer_Username> <old_vCenterServer_Password>
2. Register the plugin to the new vcenter server.
# PluginMgmt register <ApplicationHAConsole_IP> <new_vCenterServer_IP> <vCenterServerSDK_Port> <new_vCenterServer_Username> <new_vCenterServer_Password>
3. Restart the Application HA server service.
4. Verify the plugin is registerd to the new vcenter server.
# PluginMgmt verify <ApplicationHAConsole_IP> <new_vCenterServer_IP> <vCenterServerSDK_Port> <new_vCenterServer_Username> <new_vCenterServer_Password>
The old vcenter can continue remaining online.