Symantec APP HA - Console server IP change
Currently we are migrating the vsphere vcenter to diffrent IP , where APPHA console and agents are configured.
What are the procedure we need to follow for console server /vcenter and agent, inorder to change the new IP address.
This will be more involved (and complex) process then.
I would recommend opening a support case, so that support can help/guide you in the process.Otherwise, follow these steps carefully:
1) Before changing IP of vCenter, un-register the plugin from Console, using PluginMgmt.bat CLI
Refer to docs for usage/details of the CLI.
2) Change IPs of vCenter/Console
3) Register the plugin from Console, using PluginMgmt.bat
Use the new vCenter IP this time.
4) Generate the certificates on HA console host, which will use the new IP.
NOTE: Creation of new certificates will break the existing SSO configuration for all guests. User need to re-configure the SSO for all guests again.
Steps to create new certificate for HA console are:
- Open command prompt on HA console host, navigate to path C:\Program Files\Veritas\VRTSsfmh\bin
- Set the environment variables on command prompt.
- set EAT_DATA_DIR=C:\ProgramData\Symantec\ApplicationHA\sec
- set EAT_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\Veritas\ApplicationHA\sec
- Execute the command with new IP as parameter : perl "C:\Program Files\Veritas\ApplicationHA\bin\" AppHAConsoleIP=<CONSOL_NEW_IP>
5) Restart the following services:
- Symantec ApplicationHA Authentication Service
- Symantec ApplicationHA Database Service (internally restart the Symantec ApplicationHA Service)
6) Now, go the vSphere client. For each VM, go to ApplicationHA/SymantecHA tab.
There, it will ask for the username/password of the VM again (as the earlier SSO with the old HA Console IP is lost now).Provide the same.
It will configure SSO with the HA Console having the new IP.