Unable to monitor additionally igswd.exe process.
- Windows Server 2012R2
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- Application HA 6.1
I am testing functions of the ApplicationHA agents for monitoring SAP NetWeaver.
After I used Configuration Wizard for monitoring SAP system, I used VCS Command to add addtional process(igswd.exe).
However, the configuration did not work. Althought igswd.exe was running, the ApplicationHA gracefully stopped the SAP instance.
What was the problem?(Was commands wrong?)
VCS commands I used below.
> hares -display SAP_S01_DVEBMGS00_res | findstr ProcMon
SAP_S01_DVEBMGS00_res ProcMon global disp+work.exe jcontrol.exe
> haconf -makerw
> hares -modify SAP_S01_DVEBMGS00_res ProcMon dis+work.exe jcontrol.exe igswd.exe
> haconf -dump
> notify_sink.exe -f
Thank you.
"hares -modfify" command looks fine. What issue are you seeing - are you saying, that when you stop SAP in AppHA, that it does not bring down the igswd.exe process?