VCS AutoStartList ungracefully failover part2
I have two system cms-app-49-51 and cms-app-49-52 that I have been testing an ungraceful shutdown between systems (hard power off)
After failing over from cms-app-49-52 to cms-app-49-51 I brought cms-app-49-52 back up and cleared all error (or so I thought.)
I checked the system and everything looked to be fine all faults cleared.
[root@cms-app-49-52 ~]# hastatus -sum
-- System State Frozen
A cms-app-49-51 FAULTED 0
A cms-app-49-52 RUNNING 0
-- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State
B CMSApp_Cluster cms-app-49-52 Y N OFFLINE
B CMSApp_Notifier cms-app-49-52 Y N ONLINE
[root@cms-app-49-52 ~]# hagrp -display -attribute AutoDisabled
#Group Attribute System Value
CMSApp_Cluster AutoDisabled cms-app-49-51 0
CMSApp_Cluster AutoDisabled cms-app-49-52 0
CMSApp_Notifier AutoDisabled cms-app-49-51 0
CMSApp_Notifier AutoDisabled cms-app-49-52 0
However CMSApp_Cluster on cms-app-49-52 never started automatically until I "hagrp -online CMSApp_Cluster -sys cms-app-49-52"
Attached is the logfile from both systems, please look around 2012/12/06 14:58:38
If you down 49-51, then CMSApp_Cluster will only failover if:
- It is online on 49-51 when 49-51 goes down
- It is not in a faulted state on 49-52 - i.e if the CMSApp_Cluster service group previously faulted on 49-52, you need to clear the fault.
- It is fully probed on 49-52
There should never be a need to restart VCS after clearing any faults.