Forum Discussion

HugoJ's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Wizard failed to discover SAP Java system

According to the Software Compatibility List (SCL) for Symantec™ ApplicationHA 6.0 document ( SAP Business Suite NW 7.0 and EhPs / NW7.10 are tested and supported.

We installed the guest component, and we received the following error in the Symantec ApplicationHA Configuration Wizard:


The wizard has failed to discover SAP on the system.
Ensure that the application is installed and then click Next to retry.
If the error persists, check the logs for more details.

For moew information on this message, click   V-16-20081-201


The SAP system is NW 7.0 Java only system and it's up and running when we tried the configuration. 

I opened a support ticket for days without any reply so I thought I give it a shot here and see if anyone else has the same issue.



Logs Initialized. These Logs are only available while the wizard is running
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:44 GMT-0700]] Setting params = 
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:44 GMT-0700]] Executing Command:
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:44 GMT-0700]] ID: SupportedApplications
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:46 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200 responseURL=null]
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:46 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::Received Data:
<Cmd><ID>SupportedApplications Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode><Message></Message><Applications><Application><Name>AppHAConsole</Name><DisplayName>ApplicationHA Console</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Symantec ApplicationHA Console running on the virtual machine.</p></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>CustomApplication</Name><DisplayName>Custom Application</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for custom services, processes, and storage mount points on a virtual machine.
You can either choose one or multiple components simultaneously.</p>
<ul><li>Configure multiple services and processes in a single wizard workflow</li><li>Configure storage monitoring to control storage availability on the virtual machine</li><li>Configure dependency to control orderly start and stop of components</li></ul></body>
]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>Exch2010DB</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 running on a virtual machine.</p><ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Exchange databases and critical Exchange services</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>ExchService2007</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2007</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange roles on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of Exchange roles</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>FileShare</Name><DisplayName>FileShare</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for the file shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the file shares</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the file shares</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>IIS</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft IIS</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) running on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor Web sites and the associated application pools configured on a virtual machine</li><li>Control the availability of Web sites and application pools on a virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of IIS Web sites and associated application pools
</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>OracleWin</Name><DisplayName>Oracle</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Oracle databases and the associated listener processes running on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Oracle databases and the related listener processes on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Oracle databases and the related listener processes</li></ul>
<b>Note:</b> Before you click Next, ensure that the Oracle database instances and associated Listener processes are running.</body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>PrintShare</Name><DisplayName>PrintShare</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the print shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the shared printers</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the shared printers</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SAPWin</Name><DisplayName>SAP</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for SAP NetWeaver or SAP Web Application Server running on a virtual machine.</p><+ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of SAP instances on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SAP instances</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SQLServer2005</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2005</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 databases and associated services running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor SQL Server Agent service and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)</li><li>Monitor and control high availability of the databases and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the databases and services</li></ul>
<b>Note</b>: Before you go to the next panel, ensure that the SQL Server database instances and the associated services that you want to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SQLServer2008</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 instances running on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor SQL Database Engine service, Analysis service, and FILESTREAM</li><li>Monitor and control the availability of SQL databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SQL services and databases
<b>Note</b>: Before you click Next, ensure that the SQL Server instances and the associated services (Agent, Analysis, and FILESTREAM) that you wish to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SharePointServer</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of Web Applications, Service Applications and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Web Applications, Service Applications and services
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:46 GMT-0700]] Command Execution Result: 
  <ID>SupportedApplications Discovery Data</ID>
      <DisplayName>ApplicationHA Console</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Symantec ApplicationHA Console running on the virtual machine.</p></body>]]></Desc>
      <DisplayName>Custom Application</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for custom services, processes, and storage mount points on a virtual machine.
You can either choose one or multiple components simultaneously.</p>
<ul><li>Configure multiple services and processes in a single wizard workflow</li><li>Configure storage monitoring to control storage availability on the virtual machine</li><li>Configure dependency to control orderly start and stop of components</li></ul></body>
      <DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 running on a virtual machine.</p><ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Exchange databases and critical Exchange services</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
      <DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2007</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange roles on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of Exchange roles</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for the file shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the file shares</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the file shares</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
      <DisplayName>Microsoft IIS</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) running on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor Web sites and the associated application pools configured on a virtual machine</li><li>Control the availability of Web sites and application pools on a virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of IIS Web sites and associated application pools
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Oracle databases and the associated listener processes running on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Oracle databases and the related listener processes on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Oracle databases and the related listener processes</li></ul>
<b>Note:</b> Before you click Next, ensure that the Oracle database instances and associated Listener processes are running.</body>]]></Desc>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the print shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the shared printers</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the shared printers</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for SAP NetWeaver or SAP Web Application Server running on a virtual machine.</p><+ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of SAP instances on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SAP instances</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
      <DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2005</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 databases and associated services running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor SQL Server Agent service and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)</li><li>Monitor and control high availability of the databases and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the databases and services</li></ul>
<b>Note</b>: Before you go to the next panel, ensure that the SQL Server database instances and the associated services that you want to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc>
      <DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 instances running on a virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor SQL Database Engine service, Analysis service, and FILESTREAM</li><li>Monitor and control the availability of SQL databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SQL services and databases
<b>Note</b>: Before you click Next, ensure that the SQL Server instances and the associated services (Agent, Analysis, and FILESTREAM) that you wish to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc>
      <DisplayName>Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010</DisplayName>
      <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 running on the virtual machine.</p>
<ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of Web Applications, Service Applications and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Web Applications, Service Applications and services
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:49 GMT-0700]] ConditionalNavigationActivity::executeActivity
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:49 GMT-0700]] Setting params = 
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:49 GMT-0700]] Executing Command:
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:49 GMT-0700]] ID: SAPWin
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:52 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200 responseURL=null]
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:52 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::Received Data:
<Cmd><ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>1</ReturnCode><Message>No instances installed</Message></Cmd>
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:52 GMT-0700]] Command Execution Result: 
  <ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID>
  <Message>No instances installed</Message>
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:52 GMT-0700]] BaseApplicationSpecificWorkflowController.defaultActivityFailureHandler, Reversing the workflow
[[Mon Aug 6 2012 10:17:52 GMT-0700]] ConditionalNavigationActivity::subWorkflowReverseCompleteEventHandler
  • This issue is fixed with the Double Quote in the Registry and the following patch provided by support.



    PATCH NAME: HotFix_6_0_00006_764_2894961
    This solution also fix discovery of NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack (ABAP + JAVA) system.
    I also update the agent to 6.0.02100.494 before installing the patch.
  • This issue is fixed with the Double Quote in the Registry and the following patch provided by support.



    PATCH NAME: HotFix_6_0_00006_764_2894961
    This solution also fix discovery of NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack (ABAP + JAVA) system.
    I also update the agent to 6.0.02100.494 before installing the patch.
  • The double quote did help AppHA to discover the SAP instance but now we are facing another problem.

    AppHA seems to not able to identify this NetWeaver 7.0 Java only system with Service 00 (JC00) and Service 01 (SCS01)

    I masked the host name with <host_name> and SAPSID with <SAPSID> in the following logs

    The main message that catches my attention is this one below, I also encounter the similar message when I have SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent 7.20 installed and I had to remove it before other configuration.


    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] Executing Command:
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] ID: SAPWin
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200 responseURL=null]
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::Received Data:
    <Cmd><ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>1505</ReturnCode><Message>unable to discover 'InstType' for Instance SCS01 inside <SAPSID></Message></Cmd>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] Command Execution Result: 
      <ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID>
      <Message>unable to discover 'InstType' for Instance SCS01 inside <SAPSID></Message>
    Full Log below



    Logs Initialized. These Logs are only available while the wizard is running
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:46 GMT-0700]] Setting params = 
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:46 GMT-0700]] Executing Command:
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:46 GMT-0700]] ID: SupportedApplications
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:46 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200 responseURL=null]
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:46 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::Received Data:
    <Cmd><ID>SupportedApplications Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode><Message></Message><Applications><Application><Name>AppHAConsole</Name><DisplayName>ApplicationHA Console</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Symantec ApplicationHA Console running on the virtual machine.</p></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>CustomApplication</Name><DisplayName>Custom Application</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for custom services, processes, and storage mount points on a virtual machine.
    You can either choose one or multiple components simultaneously.</p>
    <ul><li>Configure multiple services and processes in a single wizard workflow</li><li>Configure storage monitoring to control storage availability on the virtual machine</li><li>Configure dependency to control orderly start and stop of components</li></ul></body>
    ]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>Exch2010DB</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 running on a virtual machine.</p><ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Exchange databases and critical Exchange services</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>ExchService2007</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2007</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange roles on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of Exchange roles</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>FileShare</Name><DisplayName>FileShare</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for the file shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the file shares</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the file shares</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>IIS</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft IIS</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) running on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor Web sites and the associated application pools configured on a virtual machine</li><li>Control the availability of Web sites and application pools on a virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of IIS Web sites and associated application pools
    </li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>OracleWin</Name><DisplayName>Oracle</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Oracle databases and the associated listener processes running on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Oracle databases and the related listener processes on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Oracle databases and the related listener processes</li></ul>
    <b>Note:</b> Before you click Next, ensure that the Oracle database instances and associated Listener processes are running.</body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>PrintShare</Name><DisplayName>PrintShare</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the print shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the shared printers</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the shared printers</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SAPWin</Name><DisplayName>SAP</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for SAP NetWeaver or SAP Web Application Server running on a virtual machine.</p><+ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of SAP instances on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SAP instances</li></ul></body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SQLServer2005</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2005</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 databases and associated services running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor SQL Server Agent service and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)</li><li>Monitor and control high availability of the databases and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the databases and services</li></ul>
    <b>Note</b>: Before you go to the next panel, ensure that the SQL Server database instances and the associated services that you want to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SQLServer2008</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 instances running on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor SQL Database Engine service, Analysis service, and FILESTREAM</li><li>Monitor and control the availability of SQL databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SQL services and databases
    <b>Note</b>: Before you click Next, ensure that the SQL Server instances and the associated services (Agent, Analysis, and FILESTREAM) that you wish to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc></Application><Application><Name>SharePointServer</Name><DisplayName>Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010</DisplayName><Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of Web Applications, Service Applications and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Web Applications, Service Applications and services
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:46 GMT-0700]] Command Execution Result: 
      <ID>SupportedApplications Discovery Data</ID>
          <DisplayName>ApplicationHA Console</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Symantec ApplicationHA Console running on the virtual machine.</p></body>]]></Desc>
          <DisplayName>Custom Application</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for custom services, processes, and storage mount points on a virtual machine.
    You can either choose one or multiple components simultaneously.</p>
    <ul><li>Configure multiple services and processes in a single wizard workflow</li><li>Configure storage monitoring to control storage availability on the virtual machine</li><li>Configure dependency to control orderly start and stop of components</li></ul></body>
          <DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 running on a virtual machine.</p><ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Exchange databases and critical Exchange services</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
          <DisplayName>Microsoft Exchange Server 2007</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Exchange roles on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of Exchange roles</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for the file shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the file shares</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the file shares</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
          <DisplayName>Microsoft IIS</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) running on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor Web sites and the associated application pools configured on a virtual machine</li><li>Control the availability of Web sites and application pools on a virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of IIS Web sites and associated application pools
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Oracle databases and the associated listener processes running on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of Oracle databases and the related listener processes on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Oracle databases and the related listener processes</li></ul>
    <b>Note:</b> Before you click Next, ensure that the Oracle database instances and associated Listener processes are running.</body>]]></Desc>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the print shares running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of the shared printers</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the shared printers</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for SAP NetWeaver or SAP Web Application Server running on a virtual machine.</p><+ul><li>Monitor and control the availability of SAP instances on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SAP instances</li></ul></body>]]></Desc>
          <DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2005</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure monitoring for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 databases and associated services running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor SQL Server Agent service and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS)</li><li>Monitor and control high availability of the databases and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop operation of the databases and services</li></ul>
    <b>Note</b>: Before you go to the next panel, ensure that the SQL Server database instances and the associated services that you want to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc>
          <DisplayName>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 instances running on a virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor SQL Database Engine service, Analysis service, and FILESTREAM</li><li>Monitor and control the availability of SQL databases on the virtual machine</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of SQL services and databases
    <b>Note</b>: Before you click Next, ensure that the SQL Server instances and the associated services (Agent, Analysis, and FILESTREAM) that you wish to monitor are running.</body>]]></Desc>
          <DisplayName>Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010</DisplayName>
          <Desc><![CDATA[<body><p>Configure application monitoring for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 running on the virtual machine.</p>
    <ul><li>Monitor and control high availability of Web Applications, Service Applications and services</li><li>Perform a graceful start and stop of Web Applications, Service Applications and services
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:48 GMT-0700]] ConditionalNavigationActivity::executeActivity
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:48 GMT-0700]] Setting params = 
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:48 GMT-0700]] Executing Command:
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:48 GMT-0700]] ID: SAPWin
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200 responseURL=null]
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::Received Data:
    <Cmd><ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode><Message></Message><DiscoveryData><Instance><Name>JC00 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\JC00\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name></Instance><Instance><Name>SCS01 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SCS01\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name></Instance></DiscoveryData></Cmd>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] Command Execution Result: 
      <ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID>
          <Name>JC00 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\JC00\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name>
          <Name>SCS01 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SCS01\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] Re-Formatting SQL Discovery Output
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] Reformated XML
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] <Cmd>
      <ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID>
          <Name>JC00 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\JC00\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name>
          <Name>SCS01 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SCS01\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] mapping SelectedAppID = SAPWin
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] mapped CmdInputs = 
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] Setting params = <DiscoveryData>
        <Name>JC00 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\JC00\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name>
        <Name>SCS01 (<SAPSID>) (<host_name>) (D:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SCS01\exe) (\\<host_name>\sapmnt)</Name>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] Executing Command:
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:51 GMT-0700]] ID: SAPWin
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200 responseURL=null]
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] ExecuteCommandActivity::Received Data:
    <Cmd><ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>1505</ReturnCode><Message>unable to discover 'InstType' for Instance SCS01 inside <SAPSID></Message></Cmd>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] Command Execution Result: 
      <ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID>
      <Message>unable to discover 'InstType' for Instance SCS01 inside <SAPSID></Message>
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] BaseApplicationSpecificWorkflowController.defaultActivityFailureHandler, Reversing the workflow
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] mapping SelectedAppID = SAPWin
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] mapped CmdInputs = 
    [[Thu Aug 16 2012 09:48:53 GMT-0700]] ConditionalNavigationActivity::subWorkflowReverseCompleteEventHandler
  • Hugo, Can you please check the exact entry for ImagePath. The discovery module expects it as mentioned earlier. i.e. ImagePath    REG_EXPAND_SZ    "C:\usr\sap\PI7\ASCS00\exe\sapstartsrv.exe" pf="\\sapvm41\sapmnt\PI7\SYS\profile\PI7_ASCS00_sapvm41"

    Note the double quotes for the sapstartsrv.exe path and also the profile path. Do you have similar paths in both of your configurations? If not you may want to add the appropriate double quotes and try again.

  • Thanks again for helping out Satish!

    We have similar entry in the ImagePath

     ImagePath    REG_EXPAND_SZ    <Drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\JC00\exe\sapstartsrv.exe pf==<Drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\profile\START_JC00_<Hostname>

    The only difference is that we have <Drive>:\usr\sap\ instead of \\<Hostname>\sapmnt, I checked the other successfully configuration and they also have <Drive>:\usr\sap\ in ImagePath so I think this shouldn't matter.

  • The agent expects the imagepath for the service to be present in the following format :


        ImagePath    REG_EXPAND_SZ    "C:\usr\sap\PI7\ASCS00\exe\sapstartsrv.exe" pf="\\sapvm41\sapmnt\PI7\SYS\profile\PI7_ASCS00_sapvm41"

    Note the globalhost entry(sapvm41) in the beginning at 'pf=" ...' location. Check whether your SAP instances also have similar profile entries in the registry.

  • Thanks Satish! Unforturnately I don't see the healthview_* files on both servers.

    This is what I found so far in the same directory, and from the AppControlOperations_A.log on both servers it looks like the SAP services are discovered.

    System A (SID = PP0)


     Directory of C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\log
    07/31/2012  02:51 PM    <DIR>          .
    07/31/2012  02:51 PM    <DIR>          ..
    07/31/2012  03:09 PM            30,155 AppControlOperations_A.log
    07/31/2012  02:51 PM             5,179 AppControlSettings_A.log
    07/31/2012  03:09 PM            10,779 AppControlVMStatus_A.log
    07/25/2012  03:35 PM             7,754 AppHAGuestConfigSSO_A.log
    07/31/2012  03:08 PM            23,426 AppHAGuestSecConfig_A.log
    07/31/2012  03:09 PM                 0 rotateLog.l
                   6 File(s)         77,293 bytes
                   2 Dir(s)  32,733,109,248 bytes free
    In AppControlOperations_A.log
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 73]: >>>> doDiscovery is invoked <<<<
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 410]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::parseArguments called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 190]: params are:
    $VAR1 = {
              'params' => '',
              'ID' => 'SAPWin',
              'uniquenessFactor' => 'Tue Aug 7 17:21:35 2012 UTC'
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 255]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::isSupportedApplication called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 131]: Subroutine main::discoverApplication called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 543]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::loadAndCreateModuleObject called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:34] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 545]: Loading module [SAPWin]
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 134]: Calling discovery for [SAPWin]
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 179]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::discover called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 69]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::calculateDiscoveryLevel called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 94]: Discovery Level is: [FirstLevel]
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 186]: calling first level discovery
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 97]: Subroutine main::keepAliveThread called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 125]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::firstLevelDiscovery called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 56]: Subroutine SAPWin::getInstances called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 78]: Found SAP service [SAPPP0_00] SID [PP0]
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 78]: Found SAP service [SAPPP0_01] SID [PP0]
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 147]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::vxGetInstancesXML called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 480]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::getInCmdXMLFormat called
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 165]: <Cmd><ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>1</ReturnCode><Message>No instances installed</Message></Cmd>
    [2012-08-07 10:21:35] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 169]: main::discoverApplication :: Waiting for VM threads to return
    [2012-08-07 10:21:37] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 214]: Removing temp files
    [2012-08-07 10:21:37] [PID:24984] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 216]: Exiting from doDiscovery
    System B (SID = PP1)


     Directory of C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\log
    07/31/2012  03:13 PM    <DIR>          .
    07/31/2012  03:13 PM    <DIR>          ..
    08/06/2012  10:35 AM           286,804 AppControlOperations_A.log
    08/06/2012  10:54 AM           234,857 AppControlVMStatus_A.log
    07/25/2012  03:36 PM             7,717 AppHAGuestConfigSSO_A.log
    08/06/2012  10:17 AM            34,395 AppHAGuestSecConfig_A.log
    07/31/2012  03:13 PM            12,655 engine_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               170 GenericService_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               174 GenericService_ipm_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:12 PM               164 hacf-err_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:12 PM               164 hacf-log_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               235 hashadow-err_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               164 hashadow_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:13 PM            16,756 notify_sink_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               163 Process_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               167 Process_ipm_A.txt
    08/06/2012  10:54 AM                 0 rotateLog.l
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               167 VMWAppMonHB_A.txt
    07/31/2012  03:14 PM               171 VMWAppMonHB_ipm_A.txt
                  17 File(s)        594,923 bytes
                   2 Dir(s)  15,598,928,896 bytes free
    In AppControlOperations_A.log
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 73]: >>>> doDiscovery is invoked <<<<
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 410]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::parseArguments called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 190]: params are:
    $VAR1 = {
              'params' => '',
              'ID' => 'SAPWin',
              'uniquenessFactor' => 'Mon Aug 6 17:35:44 2012 UTC'
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 255]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::isSupportedApplication called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 131]: Subroutine main::discoverApplication called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 543]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::loadAndCreateModuleObject called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 545]: Loading module [SAPWin]
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 134]: Calling discovery for [SAPWin]
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 179]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::discover called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 97]: Subroutine main::keepAliveThread called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 69]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::calculateDiscoveryLevel called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 94]: Discovery Level is: [FirstLevel]
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 186]: calling first level discovery
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 125]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::firstLevelDiscovery called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 56]: Subroutine SAPWin::getInstances called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 78]: Found SAP service [SAPPP1_00] SID [PP1]
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 78]: Found SAP service [SAPPP1_01] SID [PP1]
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\windows/, 147]: Subroutine ISVWindowsApplication::vxGetInstancesXML called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server\portal\admin\plugins\common/, 480]: Subroutine VCSUtilities::getInCmdXMLFormat called
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 165]: <Cmd><ID>SAPWin Discovery Data</ID><ReturnCode>1</ReturnCode><Message>No instances installed</Message></Cmd>
    [2012-08-06 10:35:56] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 169]: main::discoverApplication :: Waiting for VM threads to return
    [2012-08-06 10:35:58] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 214]: Removing temp files
    [2012-08-06 10:35:58] [PID:836] [INFO] [C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\portal\admin\, 216]: Exiting from doDiscovery


  • Hi Hugo,

    You can view the log files : C:\Program Files\Veritas\cluster server\log\healthview_* for more details and troubleshooting. If you want to share the logs, please also share the name of the SAP instances and their SIDs.

