Forum Discussion

DPeaco's avatar
2 months ago

Let's Talk About NBU ITA

Greetings to each of you! Hope your holiday was good and relaxing.

Let's talk about NBU IT Analytics.
Many of us were fairly accustomed to using the previous product - NetBackup Ops Center.
Veritas was on the "right track" for a Reporting Tool/GUI that was fairly "Backup Admin" friendly.
Now that Veritas bought Aptare and have tweaked it and called it NetBackup IT Analytics...that doesn't mean that the method for getting reports done by a Backup Admin are any easier. In fact, it's more difficult to get reports out of this reporting tool unless you are a Database Administrator that is intimate with SQL Query language. 
Since most of the Backup Admins that I know, are not SQL Query experts...or even beginners and we all struggle to get info out of NBUITA that is meaningful for our company leaders to see, read, and understand.

With all that said.....If you were on the board to recommend changes/enhancements to NBUITA, what would those be?

Yes, I'm trying to stir up chat and interest in the NBU ITA world. :-) 

Dennis - Looking forward to your comments.

  • Of all the things I'd like to see AI get used for, right at the top of my personal wishlist is natural language SQL query and report generation in ITA. 

    Forget having to know SQL, wouldn't it be nice to just say "show me all jobs that failed more than twice in the last 48 hours on where the status code was more than 1", and the AI would write the sql query for you. 

    Or, "show me a line chart of the success rate for the host group NBU_Servers covering the last 6 months"

    Or, "show me the number of unique clients backed using full, differential, or cumulative schedules in the Enterprise in the last 1 month, grouped by each master and in ascending order"

    Wouldn't that be amazing ? And so much more intuitive than this mess (code for the last example) :

    select master_display_name,count(distinct client_host_name)
    from apt_v_nbu_job
    where creation_date between add_months(trunc(sysdate,'mm'),-1) and last_day(add_months(trunc(sysdate,'mm'),-1))
    and ( job_type NOT IN (105,106,121,122,130,136 ) )
    group by master_display_name
    order by master_display_name asc


    • Robert_Geller's avatar
      Level 4

      What would be even better is the UI would just render the report, with an option to view the SQL (if needed).  Point is, if you are asking a question, the question should be to show the data/report not the SQL as the primary goal.