8 months agoModerator
nbuita - Backup reports that span 24 hours
NBUITA on Linux - version 11.3 of nbuita.
I'm curious as to why a backup report shows backups all ending at 00:00 AM (12:00 midnight) even though the backups didn't end until well AFTER midnight. I'm also figuring out that NBUITA calls it a day.....at midnight even when the backup window is 07:00 hours to 07:00 hours the following day. So a backup that ran 20 hours still shows in the report that it ended at midnight, when it really ended at 11:00 hours the following day.
If a backup starts at 17:00 hours on 5 Feb 2024 and doesn't end until 03:35 hours on 6 Feb 2024, why does nbuita say that the job ended at 12:00 midnight? Any insight as to why this is like this?