Troubleshooting NBUITA Probes
NBU IT Analytics -
I am trying to troubleshoot an issue. I am getting this message on some probe actions and I'm trying to figure out what this is really telling me. Anyone here help me understand this a bit better? Please?
15 Aug 2024 14:37:53:729 ERROR 2225281 pool-2-thread-4:PolicyClientsProbe:nbumaster01 NetBackup101Driver.getData_aroundBody0:55 - Caught an Exception while calling Driver method
org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: status code: 401, reason phrase: URL: https://nbumaster01/netbackup/config/hosts?page%5Bdisable%5D=true
Ok, I don't know what changed but AFTER I upgraded to 11.5.x from, the probes are now working again and working as they are supposed to. Not pointing fingers here, just happy it's all working now. :-)