Is it possible to Configure Backup Exec 2012 Appliance 3600 as a OpenStorage?
Hi guys!
I need your help.
I have here 2 Backup Exec 2012 servers:
-BE1 - (Appliance 3600)
-BE2 - Windows 2008 Stardard R2
I performed two Test Scenarios:
TEST1 Scenario: Configure BE2 as an OpenStorage from BE1 (Appliance)
RESULT: BE2 successfully configured as OpenStorage
TEST2 Scenario: Configure BE1 (Appliance) as an OpenStorage from BE2
RESULT: Unable to create a OpenStorage with this message
"Unable to connect to the Openstorage device. Ensure that the network is properly configured between
the device and the Backup Exec server"
I am very sure that both servers are connected.
So I want to ask if it is possible to configure BE 2012 Appliance 3600 as an OpenStorage.
Thank you!
from what I know and have read, the appliance is simply a dedupe store, and doesn't support being configured as OpenStorage.