upgrade Symantec Backup Exec 3600 appliance error
hi, try updating yesterday one of my Symantec 3600 appliance, after connecting with powershell and run the necessary commands, I get the following error
but the file exists in the specified path
I reviewed the log and reads
[12/31/2014 11:11:39] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < appliancemgr.exe -getdomain > and expecting code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:39] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:39] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < "C:\Program Files (x86)\VERITAS\Security\Authentication"\bin\vssat.exe authenticate --domain nt:SYMANTEC1 --prplname administrator --password ***** --broker > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:40] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:40] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < quser /server:localhost > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:40] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:40] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < logoff rdp-tcp#0 > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:42] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:42] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < logoff rdp-tcp#1 > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < schtasks.exe /Query /TN UpgradeTask > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [Error] [be_runcmd.pm 288 ] Command failed with exit code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [upgrade.pm 334 ] Unable to query for task <UpgradeTask> Task has not been created.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < reg.exe add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v disabledomaincreds /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_common.pm 271 ] Contents of the file <C:\upgradescript.bat>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_common.pm 275 ] perl.exe -I"C:\Program Files\Symantec\BEAppliance\scripts" "C:\Program Files\Symantec\BEAppliance\scripts\upgrade.pl" --upgradetask --user administrator --password ***** --path z: --outputfile "C:\Program Files\Symantec\BEAppliance\Logs\PSUpgradeApplianceLog.txt"
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < schtasks.exe /Create /TN UpgradeTask /TR C:\upgradescript.bat /SC ONSTART /RL HIGHEST /RU administrator /RP ***** /F > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < schtasks.exe /Run /TN UpgradeTask /I > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:43] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:44] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < appliancemgr.exe -getdomain > and expecting code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:44] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:44] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < "C:\Program Files (x86)\VERITAS\Security\Authentication"\bin\vssat.exe authenticate --domain nt:SYMANTEC1 --prplname administrator --password ***** --broker > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < quser /server:localhost > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [Error] [be_runcmd.pm 288 ] Command failed with exit code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < appliancemgr.exe -getdomain > and expecting code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [be_network.pm 1918] Appliance is in domain <WORKGROUP>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:45] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < fsutil volume diskfree D: > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [upgrade.pm 772 ] Current free disk space in <D:> is <5579.23 GB>
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [upgrade.pm 1040] Required space in <D:> to copy installers is <4 GB>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [upgrade.pm 1041] Current space space in <D:> is < 5579.23 GB>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [upgrade.pm 1047] Enough space in <D:>. Assigned mount drive to <D:\3600R2>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < echo "Upgrade is in progress" > C:\upgprogress.txt > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [be_core.pm 131 ] Stopping Symantec Opscenter services ...
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [be_core.pm 138 ] Service timeout = 180 seconds
[12/31/2014 11:11:46] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < net.exe stop /y OpsCenterWebServer > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:48] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:48] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < net.exe stop /y OpsCenterServer > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:53] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:53] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < net.exe stop /y SQLANYs_VERITAS_OPSCENTER > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:55] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:55] [be_core.pm 164 ] Successfully stopped Symantec Opscenter services .
[12/31/2014 11:11:55] [upgrade.pm 3391] Stopping SCSP services
[12/31/2014 11:11:55] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < net stop SISIPSUtil > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:11:55] [Error] [be_runcmd.pm 288 ] Command failed with exit code <2>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:00] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < sc query SISIPSUtil > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:00] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:05] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < net stop SISIPSService > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:05] [Error] [be_runcmd.pm 288 ] Command failed with exit code <2>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:10] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < sc query SISIPSService > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:10] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:15] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < net stop SISIDSService > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:15] [Error] [be_runcmd.pm 288 ] Command failed with exit code <2>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:21] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < sc query SISIDSService > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:21] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:26] [upgrade.pm 3410] Successfully stopped SCSP services
[12/31/2014 11:12:26] [upgrade.pm 703 ] Detecting existing appliance environment ...
[12/31/2014 11:12:26] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < C:\windows\System32\wbem\wmic.exe product get Name, Version > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 720 ] Installed Backup Exec version is <14.0.1798>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 727 ] Installed Symantec Opscenter version is <7.0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 734 ] Installed Nirvanix version is <1.0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 742 ] Installed Raid WebConsole version is <v9.00.0000>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < c:\windows\System32\wbem\wmic.exe os get Version,CSDVersion /value /format:csv > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 748 ] Successfully detected existing environment.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_common.pm 184 ] Appliance is configured
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < reg.exe Query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\BEAppliance /v ProductVersion > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 952 ] Appliance version is <3.0.422.0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 980 ] Checking disk requirements ...
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < fsutil volume diskfree C: > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 772 ] Current free disk space in <C:> is <27.36 GB>
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 989 ] Minimum required free disk space in <C:> is <5 GB>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 990 ] Current disk space in <C:> is <27.36 GB>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 991 ] Disk requirements have been met for upgrade.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < fsutil volume diskfree D: > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 772 ] Current free disk space in <D:> is <5579.23 GB>
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 989 ] Minimum required free disk space in <D:> is <30 GB>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 990 ] Current disk space in <D:> is <5579.23 GB>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 991 ] Disk requirements have been met for upgrade.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 848 ] Checking for upgrade data ...
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < dir /B z:\sources\BEAppliance.*.0.wim > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [Error] [be_runcmd.pm 288 ] Command failed with exit code <1>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 860 ] No Image content found. No file with pattern <z:\sources\BEAppliance.*.0.wim> exists.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [upgrade.pm 888 ] File <z:\sources\BEAppliance.*.0.wim> does not exist
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 106 ] Running command < schtasks.exe /delete /TN UpgradeTask /F > and expecting code <0>.
[12/31/2014 11:12:29] [be_runcmd.pm 301 ] Command completed successfully with exit code <0>.
I can help you solve the problem?
thank you very much