.bkf files
We use 5 TB B2d storage for exchange backups and having few issues with that.
we do weekly full and daily incremental backup for exchange server. When we see the job log of the backup jobs which are done on to b2d disks,it says backup and media used are :
B2d 000023
img 00001
img 00002
Only one b2d (.bkf) file and many IMG files. But we have 7000 .bkf files with 2kb size. I am confused here whether to delete them or keep them as it is.
As said in the post https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/b2d-disk .bkf files are only placeholders and vl be deleted automatically by the backup software when the job completes.
Questions :
Eventhough it makes use of only .bkf file during backup why there are many .bkf in the b2d folder ?
Why the .bkf are not being deleted automatically? can we delete them manually?
Will the .bkf files have a pointer to the IMG files for that particualar job?
if we delete all the .bkf files,can we restore data using IMG folders alone ?
Could you help me understand this ?
If we don't do GRT enabled backups then there would be no IMG folders and all the data will only be in .bkf files .. right ?
if the data to be backed up is of 200GB ,will the backup job create multiple .bkf files based on the size mentioned in the "maximum size for backup-to-disk files" setting ?
In this scenario do we need to create/assign separate media sets for GRT backups and normal backups to disks ?
No. It is not necessary. Which media set to use depends on your retention policy, i.e. how long you want to keep the data. It is not dependent on the type of backup whether it is GRT or not.