Forum Discussion

Qingyan_Lim's avatar
13 years ago

Adamm Database Event: Database Connection Lost!

Hi all,

On the server application log, i encountered such an event which i couldn't find much info as to why and how to resolve this.


Adamm Database Event: Database Connection Lost!


Server = “computername”

Active Node = “”

Instance = “BkupExec”

Database = “BEDB”

Connection String = “DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=computername\BkupExec;DATABASE=DEDB;



The database is installed on the same machine so i suppose it couldn't be a network failure which causes this as shown from the article below.


Can anyone help me? Thanks.

  • Hi guys, Well, i wasn't at the server so i can't do much about this problem it is my customer's server. I did feedback to them about the findings and let their own IT department staff to handle this issue. Thanks for all the advises given.
  • Hi, Open up BEutility.exe and run a comprehensive repair of the BEDB as per below: Also make sure that no AV is perhaps blocking the BE services, and if so, put in exclusions for them. Thanks!
  • Hi CraigV, what do you mean by "put in exclusions"? or i just stop the AV services which in this case is running SEP.
  • SEP has centralized exception where in it will not scan the files/folders you exclude.
  • So it would mean that i have to exclude that particular folder which the BEutility.exe is located?
  • No.  Not the directory where BEUtility resides. If you want, you can set the exceptions In SEP for BE.

    I have run SEP with BE without having to do any settings to either one to get them to work.  However as a test, you should turn off SEP on the media server as well as the remote server that is causing problems.

    I hope that you are aware that for servers, the recommendation is to only install the AV portion of SEP and not the other portions like firewall, etc.

    BE 11.x is EOL since 2008.  You might want to look at upgrading it to the latest version of BE so that it is compatible with newer technologies.

  • hi,
    please check first if the sql service is running  and also BEDB, this kind of errors means there is no communication between backup exec server and the databse  can be also  network issue and packets being lost
    run also database consistency checker in BEutility.
    Change database maintenance time
    Run backup exec install repair ,
    if still the issue occur there are two ways:
    run special tests to analyze your network and connectivities ( log a case with support)
    install new database for tests

  • ...maybe 1 or 2 extra things to try here, but please read previous posts and don't shot-gun a reply with the same stuff in...blush

  • Hi guys, Well, i wasn't at the server so i can't do much about this problem it is my customer's server. I did feedback to them about the findings and let their own IT department staff to handle this issue. Thanks for all the advises given.