Forum Discussion

Guy_Dawson's avatar
Level 3
3 days ago

Any BE22 support for OES 2024.4 with SLES 15 SP4?


I need to migrate an OES 2018 environment that is being backed up with BE22 to one that is running OES 2024.4 which runs on SLES 15 SP4.

There are various constrainsts meaning I will have to run and backup the OES2028 and OES 2024.4 systems at the same time.

The latest BE22 RALUS and patches (up to ralus1193.1626HF311011 installs in OES 2024.4/SLES 15 SP4 but when I add try to add the Linux server to BackupExec the ralus program crashes and exists during the last stage.

Is it possible to run BE23 and backup OES2018 servers running the BE22 ralus?

Any thoughts about what I can do?

  • Does anyone know if a BE23 server will backup SLES servers still running the BE22 RALUS?

    This would give us an option while we upgrade the SLES servers and move everything on to BE23

  • Hi
    According to SCL of BE 22 the combination with SLES 12 (RTM to SP5) and SLES 15 SP5 is supported it has a chance work, but OES is not in the SCL directly.

    Keep in mind that Microfocus has tailored the OS to their need, so it is possible that a component is missing/modified in the OS.

    I think there is a chance you can see the error if you start der RALUS in the console (not in background), so you can see the outputs before the crash.

    Try to log a support case, BE22 is under regular support for 1 more month. :-)

    I don't think it is a good idea to combine BE23 with BE22RALUS, but you can give him a try
    But in the SCL only SLES 12 SP5 is listed, so have to have OES 2018 SP2 based on SLES 12 SP5, if i am right.

    Kind Regards