Forum Discussion

dadamich's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

Anyone have an idea how to fix Final error: 0x320050 - 0x 320050 (3276880)

Running 12.5, Doing incremental job and now recieve this error and job fails.
All searches provide little info. The link below goes to: Symantec Suggest    NO Answers Found.

Any help would be appreciated.

Job ended: Friday, January 20, 2012 at 1:03:26 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0x320050 - 0x  320050 (3276880)
Final error category: Other Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-50-80

  • - Is it a backup of Files or database?

    - Is it on a Virtual machine or physical machine?

    - Is it happening only on the Incremental backup?

    - Can you attach us the latest failed job log?

  • Backup is of both files and some SQL databases. The main backup server is a physical machine. Yes it is only happening on this one incremental backup. Attaching the Log file, hope it helps, and thanks for looking at this:


    Job server: NT-BACKUP2
    Job name: Daily Backup
    Job started: Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 9:30:00 PM
    Job type: Backup
    Job Log: BEX_NT-BACKUP2_03456.xml
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 9:30:00 PM


    Device and Media Information
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 9:30:01 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001244
    Media GUID: {61287f44-72f7-42e2-983d-a8847229f211}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/22/2012 6:31:04 AM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media
    All Media Used


    Job Operation - Backup
    Backup Options
    Media operation - append.
    Compression Type: Hardware [if available, otherwise none]
    Encryption Type: None

    Server - NT-NAS.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #220 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:30:13 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:30:57 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 161 files in 4704 directories.
    Processed 824439928 bytes in  44 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 1072 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\F:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\F:" as ""
    Backup set #221 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:31:02 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:36:05 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 118 files in 53206 directories.
    Processed 40,602,582 bytes in  5 minutes and  3 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 7.67 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components" as ""
    Backup set #222 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:36:16 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:36:21 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 3 Shadow Copy Writers
    Backed up 4 Shadow Copy Components
    Processed 145266124 bytes in  5 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 1662 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #223 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:36:36 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:41:56 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 8 System State components
    Processed 1,235,695,626 bytes in  5 minutes and  20 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 221 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server -
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\\C:" as ""
    Backup set #224 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:41:57 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 9:43:21 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 9:43:24 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder (ALPHA)
    Media Label: B2D001412
    Media GUID: {12c66f98-1e68-4b49-bf95-9300480704ef}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 9:43:24 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media
    Backup set #224 on storage media #263 Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 9:48:57 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 9:49:00 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Internal Backup-To-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001364
    Media GUID: {07a5bcc3-a042-410c-8d01-2c3fbbabc654}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 9:49:00 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media

    Backup set #224 on storage media #264
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:50:07 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 879 files in 5200 directories.
    Processed 4,595,037,832 bytes in  8 minutes and  4 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 543 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #225 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:50:07 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:51:03 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 2955 files in 126 directories.
    Processed 508645463 bytes in  56 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 520 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #226 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:51:31 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:52:24 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 123 files in 6752 directories.
    Processed 73,484,452 bytes in  53 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 79.3 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\E:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\E:" as ""
    Backup set #227 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:52:40 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 9:53:15 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 23 files in 1072 directories.
    Processed 260420866 bytes in  35 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 426 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #228 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 9:54:03 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:09:31 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 8 System State components
    Processed 962964352 bytes in  15 minutes and  28 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 59.4 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - nt-pubweb.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #229 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:09:39 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 10:12:11 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 10:12:14 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001131
    Media GUID: {b971a942-e2d0-4b87-be70-544d3d674599}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 10:12:14 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media
    Backup set #229 on storage media #265
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:12:41 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 125 files in 4427 directories.
    Processed 1,901,787,095 bytes in  2 minutes and  59 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 608 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\F:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\F:" as ""
    Backup set #230 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:12:44 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:12:44 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 0 files in 4 directories.
    Processed 4,764 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 0.273 MB/min
    Compression Type: None

    This backup set may not contain any data.
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\G:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\G:" as ""
    Backup set #231 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:12:46 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    																Unable to open the item \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\G:\emaildata\linkplus\reports\renewals\renewdates.txt - skipped. 
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:15:22 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 2452 files in 598 directories.
    1 item was skipped.
    Processed 663162574 bytes in  2 minutes and  36 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 243 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\H:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\H:" as ""
    Backup set #232 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:15:24 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:15:53 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 6 files in 2744 directories.
    Processed 238239765 bytes in  29 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 470 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #233 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:16:03 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:21:51 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 8 System State components
    Processed 951542554 bytes in  5 minutes and  48 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 156 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - nt-Evanced.ccclib.local
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\C:". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #234 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:22:10 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 10:23:10 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 114 files in 2924 directories.
    Processed 687256685 bytes in  1 minute and  0 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 655 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" "\\?\VOLUME{73217A23-5D52-11DE-81F2-92309EE44DE4}" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume \\?\VOLUME{73217A23-5D52-11DE-81F2-92309EE44DE4} - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #235 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 10:23:34 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 10:28:06 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 10:28:08 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001206
    Media GUID: {898c4956-3787-4edd-9f16-5ef41c72bd7b}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 10:28:08 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media
    Backup set #235 on storage media #266 Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 10:48:25 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 10:48:26 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder (ALPHA)
    Media Label: B2D001465
    Media GUID: {f623aa58-cad2-4ecc-a2eb-10e944f684c8}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 10:48:26 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media

    Backup set #235 on storage media #267 Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 11:12:21 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 11:12:22 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Internal Backup-To-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001367
    Media GUID: {62b6e4bc-8157-4f2a-b001-73afbf66412e}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 11:12:22 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media

    Backup set #235 on storage media #268
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 11:19:16 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 10 System State components
    Processed 13,171,032,515 bytes in  55 minutes and  38 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 226 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - nt-staffnet.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-staffnet.ccclib.local\E:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-staffnet.ccclib.local\E:" as ""
    Backup set #236 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 11:19:21 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 11:19:23 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 0 files in 1091 directories.
    Processed 287224 bytes in  2 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 8.22 MB/min
    Compression Type: None

    This backup set may not contain any data.
    Server - NT-BACKUP2.ccclib.local
    Database Consistency Checks
    Consistency checking BE_DLO
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking BEDB
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking master
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking model
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking msdb
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Set Information - NT-BACKUP2.ccclib.local\BKUPEXEC
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "NT-BACKUP2.ccclib.local\BKUPEXEC" as ""
    Backup set #237 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Full - Back up entire database or filegroup
    Microsoft SQL Server Agent: Started

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 11:19:27 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 11:19:44 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 5 databases
    Processed 66,832,731 bytes in  17 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 225 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - NT-VOCERA.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-VOCERA.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-VOCERA.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #238 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 11:20:11 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 11:20:12 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 1 file in 3 directories.
    Processed 966339 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 55.3 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - nt-lotus.ccclib.local
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\C:". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #239 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 11:20:42 PM.
    Backup completed on 1/21/2012 at 11:20:52 PM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 1 file in 316 directories.
    Processed 75,359 bytes in  10 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 0.431 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #240 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/21/2012 at 11:21:23 PM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 11:29:18 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 11:29:20 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Internal Backup-To-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001366
    Media GUID: {56f5c72f-c08a-42f9-be90-0df78a78e3bf}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 11:29:20 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media
    Backup set #240 on storage media #269 Drive and media mount requested: 1/21/2012 11:58:35 PM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/21/2012 11:58:38 PM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder (ALPHA)
    Media Label: B2D001402
    Media GUID: {b8c4ee7f-c127-4600-ad58-7aa108bbf181}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 11:58:38 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media

    Backup set #240 on storage media #270 Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 12:20:30 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 12:20:32 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D000973
    Media GUID: {1ca9b25d-cddf-4635-97bb-3ca99a527506}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/26/2012 12:20:32 AM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media

    Backup set #240 on storage media #271 Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 12:38:22 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 12:38:24 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001229
    Media GUID: {c0e877c0-44e0-454f-8081-6cb7ab300296}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/26/2012 12:38:24 AM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Targeted Media Set Name: Daily Incremental Disk Media

    Backup set #240 on storage media #272
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 12:38:59 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 8 System State components
    Processed 14,462,925,279 bytes in  1 hour,  17 minutes, and  27 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 178 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #241 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 12:43:43 AM.
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 12:47:24 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 162 files in 6803 directories.
    Processed 177608201 bytes in  3 minutes and  41 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 46.0 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Database Consistency Checks
    Consistency checking eXpress
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking master
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking model
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Consistency checking msdb
    Consistency Check Physical Only.
    Consistency check was completed.
    Set Information - NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local" as ""
    Backup set #242 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Full - Back up entire database or filegroup
    Microsoft SQL Server Agent: Started

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 12:48:42 AM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 12:49:19 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 4 databases
    Processed 166346433 bytes in  37 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 257 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components" as ""
    Backup set #243 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 12:50:58 AM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 12:51:01 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 2 Shadow Copy Writers
    Backed up 2 Shadow Copy Components
    Processed 37,834,054 bytes in  3 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 722 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #244 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 12:51:19 AM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 12:58:22 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 8 System State components
    Processed 1,240,149,305 bytes in  7 minutes and  3 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 168 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #245 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:02:19 AM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    																Unable to open the item \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\enterprisesec.config.cch.3992.144850734 - skipped. Unable to open the item \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\security.config.cch.3992.144850734 - skipped. 
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:03:20 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 322 files in 9032 directories.
    2 items were skipped.
    Processed 495580089 bytes in  1 minute and  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 465 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\D:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\D:" as ""
    Backup set #246 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:03:28 AM.
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:03:30 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 113 files in 464 directories.
    Processed 1,434,152 bytes in  2 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 41.0 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" .
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State" as ""
    Backup set #247 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:03:37 AM.
    Backup Set Detail Information
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:09:34 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 8 System State components
    Processed 1,221,259,336 bytes in  5 minutes and  57 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 196 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Server - NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\C:". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #248 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:09:51 AM.
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:09:58 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 1 file in 446 directories.
    Processed 2,223,774 bytes in  7 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 18.2 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\D:". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume D: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\D:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\D:" as ""
    Backup set #249 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:04 AM.
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:05 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 0 files in 2 directories.
    Processed 520 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 0.030 MB/min
    Compression Type: None

    This backup set may not contain any data.
    Server - nt-lptone.ccclib.local
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\D:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\D:" as ""
    Backup set #250 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:08 AM.
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:15 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 1 file in 2 directories.
    Processed 270537228 bytes in  7 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 2211 MB/min
    Compression Type: None
    Network control connection is established between <-->
    Network data connection is established between <-->
    Set Information - \\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\C:
    Backup Set Information
    Family Name: "Media created 12/9/2011 6:00:09 AM"
    Backup of "\\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\C:" as ""
    Backup set #251 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "
    Backup Method: Incremental - Changed Files - Reset Archive Bit

    Backup started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:16 AM.
    Backup completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:18 AM.
    Backup Set Summary
    Backed up 1 file in 7 directories.
    Processed 25,082,204 bytes in  2 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 718 MB/min
    Compression Type: None


    Job Operation - Verify
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:10:18 AM
    Device and Media Information
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:10:18 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001244
    Media GUID: {61287f44-72f7-42e2-983d-a8847229f211}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 9:43:21 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\C: System
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\C: System"
    Backup set #220 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:18 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:32 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 161 files in 4704 directories.
    Processed 824439928 bytes in  14 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3370 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\F: Filesvr Volume
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\F: Filesvr Volume"
    Backup set #221 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:32 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:33 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 118 files in 53206 directories.
    Processed 40,602,582 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 2323 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components - VSS Writer File System
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components  - VSS Writer File System"
    Backup set #222 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:33 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:36 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 3 Shadow Copy Writers
    Verified 4 Shadow Copy Components
    Processed 145266124 bytes in  3 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 2771 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State \\NT-NAS.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #223 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:36 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:57 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 1,235,695,626 bytes in  21 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3367 MB/min
    Set Information - \\\C: OS
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\\C: OS"
    Backup set #224 on storage media #262
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:10:57 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:11:10 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:11:10 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder (ALPHA)
    Media Label: B2D001412
    Media GUID: {12c66f98-1e68-4b49-bf95-9300480704ef}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 9:48:57 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:12:57 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:12:57 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Internal Backup-To-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001364
    Media GUID: {07a5bcc3-a042-410c-8d01-2c3fbbabc654}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 10:12:11 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:13:54 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 879 files in 5200 directories.
    Processed 4,595,037,832 bytes in  2 minutes and  57 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 1485 MB/min
    Set Information - \\\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\\System?State "
    Backup set #225 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:13:54 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:14:36 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 2955 files in 126 directories.
    Processed 508645463 bytes in  42 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 693 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #226 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:14:36 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:14:42 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 123 files in 6752 directories.
    Processed 73,484,452 bytes in  6 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 701 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\E: New Volume
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\E: New Volume"
    Backup set #227 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:14:42 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:15:11 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 23 files in 1072 directories.
    Processed 260420866 bytes in  29 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 514 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State \\NT-MCSPOOL2.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #228 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:15:11 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:16:35 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 962964352 bytes in  1 minute and  24 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 656 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #229 on storage media #264
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:16:35 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:18:08 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:18:09 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001131
    Media GUID: {b971a942-e2d0-4b87-be70-544d3d674599}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 10:28:06 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:11 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 125 files in 4427 directories.
    Processed 1,901,787,095 bytes in  1 minute and  35 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 1145 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\F: Shadow Copies
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\F: Shadow Copies"
    Backup set #230 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:11 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:11 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 0 files in 4 directories.
    Processed 4,764 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 0.273 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\G: New Volume
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\G: New Volume"
    Backup set #231 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:11 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:23 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 2452 files in 598 directories.
    Processed 663162574 bytes in  12 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3162 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\H: New Volume
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\H: New Volume"
    Backup set #232 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:23 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:27 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 6 files in 2744 directories.
    Processed 238239765 bytes in  4 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3408 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #233 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:27 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:41 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 951542554 bytes in  14 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3889 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #234 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:41 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:51 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 114 files in 2924 directories.
    Processed 687256685 bytes in  10 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3933 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-Evanced.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #235 on storage media #265
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:18:51 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:19:18 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:19:18 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001206
    Media GUID: {898c4956-3787-4edd-9f16-5ef41c72bd7b}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 10:48:25 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:20:25 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:20:26 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder (ALPHA)
    Media Label: B2D001465
    Media GUID: {f623aa58-cad2-4ecc-a2eb-10e944f684c8}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 11:12:21 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM

    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:22:53 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:22:53 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Internal Backup-To-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001367
    Media GUID: {62b6e4bc-8157-4f2a-b001-73afbf66412e}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 11:29:18 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:42 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 13,171,032,515 bytes in  5 minutes and  50 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 2153 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-staffnet.ccclib.local\E: Data
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-staffnet.ccclib.local\E: Data"
    Backup set #236 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:42 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:42 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 0 files in 1091 directories.
    Processed 287224 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 16.4 MB/min
    Set Information - NT-BACKUP2.ccclib.local\BKUPEXEC
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "NT-BACKUP2.ccclib.local\BKUPEXEC "
    Backup set #237 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:42 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:44 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 5 databases
    Processed 66,832,731 bytes in  2 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 1912 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-VOCERA.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-VOCERA.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #238 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:44 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:44 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 1 file in 3 directories.
    Processed 966339 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 55.3 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #239 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:44 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:44 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 1 file in 316 directories.
    Processed 75,359 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 4.31 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-lotus.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #240 on storage media #268
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:24:44 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:25:13 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:25:13 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Internal Backup-To-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001366
    Media GUID: {56f5c72f-c08a-42f9-be90-0df78a78e3bf}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/25/2012 11:58:35 PM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:26:53 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:26:53 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder (ALPHA)
    Media Label: B2D001402
    Media GUID: {b8c4ee7f-c127-4600-ad58-7aa108bbf181}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/26/2012 12:20:30 AM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM

    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:29:22 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:29:22 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D000973
    Media GUID: {1ca9b25d-cddf-4635-97bb-3ca99a527506}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/26/2012 12:38:22 AM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM

    Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2012 1:30:34 AM
    Drive and media information from media mount: 1/22/2012 1:30:35 AM
    Drive Name: Daily Removable Backup-to-Disk Folder
    Media Label: B2D001229
    Media GUID: {c0e877c0-44e0-454f-8081-6cb7ab300296}
    Overwrite Protected Until: 1/26/2012 1:10:18 AM
    Appendable Until: 12/30/9999 4:00:00 PM
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:41 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 14,462,925,279 bytes in  5 minutes and  56 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 2325 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #241 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:41 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:44 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 162 files in 6803 directories.
    Processed 177608201 bytes in  3 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3388 MB/min
    Set Information - NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local "
    Backup set #242 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:44 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:47 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 4 databases
    Processed 166346433 bytes in  3 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3173 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components - VSS Writer File System
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\Shadow?Copy?Components  - VSS Writer File System"
    Backup set #243 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:47 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:47 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 2 Shadow Copy Writers
    Verified 2 Shadow Copy Components
    Processed 37,834,054 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 2165 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State \\NT-ALTIRIS.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #244 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:30:48 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:09 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 1,240,149,305 bytes in  21 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 3379 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #245 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:09 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:11 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 322 files in 9032 directories.
    Processed 495580089 bytes in  2 seconds.
    Throughput rate: 14179 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\D: SQL Data
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\D: SQL Data"
    Backup set #246 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:11 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:11 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 113 files in 464 directories.
    Processed 1,434,152 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 82.1 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\System?State"
    Backup set #247 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:11 AM.
    Verify Set Detail Information
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Contents verified.
    Processed 1,221,259,336 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 69881 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #248 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 1 file in 446 directories.
    Processed 2,223,774 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 127 MB/min
    Set Information - \\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\D:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\NT-DRUPAL.ccclib.local\D: "
    Backup set #249 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 0 files in 2 directories.
    Processed 520 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 0.030 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\D:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\D: "
    Backup set #250 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 1 file in 2 directories.
    Processed 270537228 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 15480 MB/min
    Set Information - \\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\C:
    Verify Set Information
    Verify of "\\nt-lptone.ccclib.local\C: "
    Backup set #251 on storage media #272
    Backup set description: "Daily Backup "

    Verify started on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify completed on 1/22/2012 at 1:31:12 AM.
    Verify Set Summary
    Verified 1 file in 7 directories.
    Processed 25,082,204 bytes in  1 second.
    Throughput rate: 1435 MB/min


    Job Completion Status
    Job ended: Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 1:31:13 AM
    Completed status: Failed
    Final error: 0x320050 - 0x  320050 (3276880)
    Final error category: Other Errors
    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-50-80
  • TIP: there is an option to attach a file , rather than copy and paste it into a posting (hell to read as you have pasted it into a post)

    I only have experiance with 2010 not 12.5 , so bear with me :)

    I note a couple of files could not be backed up:

    \\nt-pubweb.ccclib.local\G: 1 file

    \\nt-sharepoint.ccclib.local\C: 2 files

    perhaps one of these servers is causing the problem?

    You could try stopping the sharepoint services before running the incremental backup to see if the problem goes away

    Is BE 12.5 patched to the latest level?

    Has this just started to appear and has there been a recent hotfix? Is so perhaps uninstall the hotfix?

    Are the BE remote agents up to date on the servers you are backing up? as these need to be pushed out afer every hotfix.


  • My Apolgies to the long file above. Won't happen again. I will attach the log file from last night job as it has the same error. Yes, these 3 files were "Skipped" and are exceptions, so the job should still complete. I will try stopping the Sharepoint services later in the week as a last option. Yes, the latest update was put on about 2 weeks ago, nothing since, and the jobs were completing. This started happening after I attempted to add one of our AD servers to the job.  I forgot this was a incremental job, and a full backup had not been done on this server yet. This is when the job stared failing with this error. Before it was completing with "Exceptions".I removed this server from the list the next day, and created a full backup of the AD servers that is completing. I have not ever done push of the agents after a hotfix. This is new to me. After the push, is a reboot needed? We are talking about 15 servers that are in production.

    Anyway, attached is the log file, and I noticed one discrepancy on the Itiva servers System state job, where it has a Full backup, archive bit set, when all the others are incremental - archive bit set. Could this be the issue and if so how do I fix it?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Research of previous completed jobs, show the Full backup-Archive Bit set for the system state of Itiva.

    Wondering if a complete new job would work, but it is a lot of work.