Forum Discussion

ETrosclair's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Application Event ID 34113


I came in this morning to find that a duplicate job failed with the below error message. The Event Id I put as the title showed up in the Application Event log. Anybody ever run into this error before? What's strange is I reran this duplicate job and it ran through without any hiccups the second time I ran it.
I was reading somewhere that this could be caused by the Shadow Copy service not running. I looked at both the Backup Exec server and the server I was backing up and both had Shadow Copy set to 'Manual'. Should that service be running at all times?
Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
(Server: "SMBKUP") (Job: "USB SMDOC") USB SMDOC -- The job failed with the following error: A communications failure has occurred between the Backup Exec job engine and the remote agent.
  • Thanks Dan.

    I actually found the solution to my issue. I did some more research since I posted into the forum and I came to the conclusion that the USB Drives I was duplicating to were VERY VERY fragmented which was causing these "Communication Errors". To remedy, I simply did the following...

    1. Reformat each drive and partition it NTFS.

    2. Clear out any old info that was left in Backup Exec from these drives by retiring any B2D files I know were on any of the drives I formatted. This is not a required step but I have a big stickler about getting rid of info that doesn't need to be retained in the BE database.

    I have also since made it policy to reformat the USB Drives once every quarter since after about 3 months I would start to notice these communication issues appear more and more. I hope this helps your issue! I know from experience that this problem is a major headache so when I say I feel your pain; I really do! Haha

  • ...are you joking? Your post refers to some other problem affecting BE 12.5...the OP has BE 2010!!!!

    Please stop posting for the sake of added nothing to this discussion!

  • Thanks for the TechNote. I'll check out each to see which one helps.

    What blows my mind is that I get this error on a DUPLICATE job. Let me explain how my duplicates are set up.

    For each of my Virtual Servers, I have a Main job that saves backed up data to a local drive then immediately after each main job completes, I have a job that duplicates what was backed up and saves this duplicated backed up data to an external USB drive.

    So to me, when my duplicate jobs are running, they shouldn't even be communicating with the server that was backed up because it is only copying what was backed up already by the main job. Am I correct with this understanding?

  • Hello! One of my servers is having the exact same issue. I think the backup exec agent crashed, causing the "loss of communication" that the event id is referring to. I'm looking into it.. I'll report back if I find any good info on what to check out. 

  • Thanks Dan.

    I actually found the solution to my issue. I did some more research since I posted into the forum and I came to the conclusion that the USB Drives I was duplicating to were VERY VERY fragmented which was causing these "Communication Errors". To remedy, I simply did the following...

    1. Reformat each drive and partition it NTFS.

    2. Clear out any old info that was left in Backup Exec from these drives by retiring any B2D files I know were on any of the drives I formatted. This is not a required step but I have a big stickler about getting rid of info that doesn't need to be retained in the BE database.

    I have also since made it policy to reformat the USB Drives once every quarter since after about 3 months I would start to notice these communication issues appear more and more. I hope this helps your issue! I know from experience that this problem is a major headache so when I say I feel your pain; I really do! Haha