Autoloader goes offline by drive calibration (Quantum V700, LTO-9)
We changed a LTO-6-Library against a new LTO-9 Autoloder.
A new tape is shown as "unknown media" and the capacity "0 Bytes used" with a green bar that the full tape can be used.
New for us is the experience that each new tape we loaded into the 16-slot-magazine will need a calibration when the tape is "inventoried" the first time. When we start the inventory, the tape will be moved to the picker and the loader shows "calibrating" in the display and in the Onboard-Management console. After ca. 2 minutes the loader goes offline and Backup Exec shows both drive and loader offline. We did make them online again, but the calibration goes further on. After some hour, the drive will load the tape and then we can move the tape by move-command in the management of the loader (we did not try the onboard-management) to the slot, where it comes from. After this we make a "read slot" and the tape will be shown in the slot.
Then we start inventory for this slot again, and the tape will go over the picker to the drive, loaded and unloaded and then the tape return to the slot automatically. The tape is shown in Backup Exec as "empty Medium" and the capacity is shown as "0 Bytes used of 16,4 TB". Now we can use the tape for backup-jobs. No error and no offline will occur.
But whenever we start an inventory for a brand new tape, the drive and the loader goes offline.
We think, this is a time-out-error, because the inventory in the drive continues without error. But the time, how long backup-Exec is waiting for an answer for calibarting is to short, so it make drive and library offline.
Is this correct? Can we adjust manually the parameter for the time-out (Registry?)?
Is there another reason, why the machine goes offline?
In the "bengine_AlwaysOnLog_2022-09-22_10-49-31.log" we can find:
[2556] 2022-09-21T18:40:59.990 [tpfmt] - TF_GetTargetMediaDeviceInfo(): Execute(ADAMM_MOVER_EXECUTE_GET_SERVER_INFO) failed. mvrRet=87.
In the beginning, we did only disable the tape0 (LTO-6), but at the end the device was switched off, removed from SAS-Connector and deleted from Backup Exec. The error consists.
By the way, all drivers are current. The library and the drive are shown correct in device manager.