Forum Discussion

Ghost46's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Automatic inventory


I have a library ibm TS3100 and i want to BE take an auto inventory and if a drive is detected but not in her good placement he moove the drive on the good slot without human interaction it's possible ?

  • You may be facing a known problem. After you replaced the tapes in the library, do an inventory of the library and see whether the tapes appear in their proper media sets
  • You can either schedule an inventory job or you can set to automatically inventory the drives when the BE services are started.

  • Okay and if i insert a drive in the slot 6 and her real location who i have save her information is the slot 5 BE replace the drive or not ?

  • I have an other question,

    if i add a drive on a group of media how i can save this information for when i remove the when who i have add when i replace this he is always in the group of media ?
    Because i have test and i add the drive but when i remove and replace it and i take a inventory the drive is not in the group of media

  • There is no facility in BE that will move a tape from one media set to another. You have to do this manually
  • Okay if i place the tape in a random slot but the tape is in a group of media with her barecode i can save in the tape wherever it be ?

    Because when i have take the tape in a group of media and i have remove and replace it, it is kick of the group of media ... and i don't have understand why

    wherever it be
  • A tape will remain in the media set that it is associated with until it is manually associated with another media set or it is used by a job and it is associated with the media set targeted by the job
  • Ok .. When i have add one tape in the gruop of media and save his configuration it is allways in this while i don't affect it to another group of media ?

    Because me in my first test i have add the tape on the group of media and when i remove and replace it the group of media have change to "groupe de travail" and i don't have understand why ...

  • You may be facing a known problem. After you replaced the tapes in the library, do an inventory of the library and see whether the tapes appear in their proper media sets
  • Thanks you so much i recontact you if the problem is resolve .. or not ;)