Azure Cloud Connector - Storage Warning (V-275-1017) - Unable to connect to the OpenStorage device
Hi all,
We are attempting to configure a "Back Up to Disk and then Duplicate to Cloud" job.
We have an Azure Tenancy in place already, which is in use for other services.
When configuring the Cloud Storage, we receive the below error:
"Azure: azure. - Unable to connect to the OpenStorage device. Ensure that the network is properly configured between the device and the Backup Exec server."
It refers you to Article V-275-1017, however, this does not actually exist anywhere!
It seems to relate to an issue with named proxies. If we allow proxy-bypass (or use a transparent proxy) the Cloud Storage configured correctly and shows Online, and can be used ok.
However, if the proxy is named and explicitly detailed, then the storage cannot be created.
If you create storage with a tranparent proxy, but then set a named proxy after the creation, the storage shows as Offline.
Has anyone else seen an issue with named proxies, using Cloud Storage?
This is a real issue as we have multiple sites that cannot use a direct connection, or transparent proxy.