Forum Discussion

jinxnbu's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Backing up system state extremely slow


Here is the envt details

BE 15 running on Windows 2012 R2 with the latest patch on the OS and BE Media Server.

Vmware ESXi 6 with VM running Windows 2012 R2 and BE 15

I am trying to backup a DFS server and getting extremely slow throughput of about 1500 MB/min

Further drilling down I found that the system state backup runs at about 250MB/min which is extremely slow. The data backup for the same server/VM can get me speed of about 3000MB/min. 

I am running agent based backups as this DFS server is clustered with a RDM disk hence agentless backup will not work.

Antivirus exclusions for the BE exe has been taken care of and that is not the cause for the slowness. The network is a 1Gb network. 

To further narrow down the issue I ran the windows native backup tool (wbadmin) to backup system state and I still get a speed of only 250 MB/min which rules out the backup software as a cause. 

This should then make it a OS/DFS issue however does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed further. 

I have checked with the VMware admin and the OS engineer and they dont seem to have any issues with any of their tasks/operations 

Few other points to mention

- The 2nd node of the DFS cluster also exhibits similar slowness

- Non DFS VM's system state backup as expected gives better performance

Any suggestions ?

  • ...take this query to the Microsoft forum and ask them. They might be able to assist more. If this isn't a BE problem then you can go no further here.

    What you might want to check is your target, which I hope is disk-based otherwise you will get no support from Symantec if you're targetting your backups to tape using a VM to run BE.

    Make sure you have no hardware-related issues on it.


  • ...take this query to the Microsoft forum and ask them. They might be able to assist more. If this isn't a BE problem then you can go no further here.

    What you might want to check is your target, which I hope is disk-based otherwise you will get no support from Symantec if you're targetting your backups to tape using a VM to run BE.

    Make sure you have no hardware-related issues on it.
