21 years agoBacking Up Windows 98 Workstations
I've got the BE 9.1 for Small Business Server and am trying to backup oneof the old archaic windows 98 workstations. I've got it to work with myWindows XP machines, so I know those work fine.I've installed the 98 remote agent as described in the manual and set itup to connect via TCI/IP (we don't use IPX on our network, nor do I wantto enable it). All the settings are correct and I've published the C: drive. The workstation even shows the little agent, which is "idling" at the moment.So how do I backup the workstation? If I try to go to the computer via thebackup job properties screen, it gives me the "you have must have a remoteagent for windows server running on windows 2000 or later...etc" error message. Is BE 9.1 not able to backup 98 machines anymore? or is there somethingI'm missing or supposed to do from the console?Interestingly, if I conduct a public share on the computer (through thenormal windows share), I can backup all the files. Any ideas?