Backup "Backup Exec" database manually or using beutiluty
I'm running BE 12.0 and was able to manually backup the BEDB_DAT.MDF via the following two methods:
1) Open CMD prompt
2) Type: OSQL -L (enter) This will provide a list of SQL instances
3) Type: OSQL -S [instancename] -E -n -Q "BACKUP DATABASE bedb TO DISK = 'c:\symantec\bedb_backup.dat' WITH INIT, SKIP"
1. Launch BEUtility at C:\program files\symantec\backup exec\beutility.exe
2. Click "All Media Servers" and locate the media server in question
3. Single-click the media server, in the right pane
4. In the left pane, scroll down to "Database Tasks"
5. Click "Check Database Consistency", then "Compact Database", then "Dump Database"
6. In the same folder as BackupExec's bedb.mdf, you should find the BEDB.BAK