Backup Exchange 2010 with 2 different jobs brakes the LSN chain
Exchange 2010 with DAG ( 2 mailbox servers and 1 hubcas server). All Windows 2008R2 std 64 and VMs
I'm backing up the Information store with Exchange Database Availabilty Group but I need to backup also the DAG members as VM's
I performed some tests with out any success. After Exchange VMs backup job completion the Exchange DAG incremental job fails reporting that the backup performed by I need to run a full backup again...
Is there a way to have both jobs consolidated in one job or a way to configure the backup job for Exchange VMs in a way that it will not "touch" or "brake" the LSN of the database?
Thx in advance
The VM backups are to be scheduled in such a manner that they run before the full Exchange backup and after the last Incremental Exchange backup. Example:
Mon VM backup
Tue Exchange Full
Wed Exchange Incr
Thu Exchange Incr
Fri Exchange Incr
Mon VM backup
And do ensure Application GRT (for Exchange) is not enabled in the VM backup.