Forum Discussion

downsouth's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

Backup Exec 15 Agents / DB / Exchange help

So I have my BE15 Server and agents installed. Trying to setup backup to exchagne server. Two things in the pictures below you can see I have the agents on the BE server (be15lic2) and I pushed the WIN agent to the Excange server. Why is the Licensing showing not licensed (be15lic) on the BE server for DB and Hyper V? Again boith screen shots are from the BE15 server not Excage server. I just need the "DB agent" to be ready for excange backup. any thoughts or links to help me understand would be appreciated. If i'm wording it wrong forgive me.. 

  • This is because both agents are not installed.  You need to install the licences for these agents before they can be used.

  • pkh's avatar
    7 years ago

    There is only one physical remote agent to install on the remote server.  Installing a licence on the BE Server will unlock the specific capability of the physical remote agent.

  • This is because both agents are not installed.  You need to install the licences for these agents before they can be used.

    • downsouth's avatar
      Level 4

      So this is on the BE 15 server .. I install all SLA keys here. Then when I push the agent to say an exchange server it only allows me to push the WINS agent, I then believe it is "agent" aware to know that hey.. you have Exchange running on your server (where I ushed the WINS agent) so I see you have a DB agent on BE server .. to cover this .. not hey, your running excahnge now push the DB agent to the exchagne server... Correct?

      • pkh's avatar

        There is only one physical remote agent to install on the remote server.  Installing a licence on the BE Server will unlock the specific capability of the physical remote agent.