Backup Exec 15 firewall ports requirements
Hi, our customer's BE server is BE 15 on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Std. All the clients are Windows clients (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows 7 Pro). Some of the clients are in different subnets than the BE server. Between those clients and the BE server, there are physcial firewalls. We have opened ports in the firewalls based on our past experiences with BE 2014. However, we found the backup jobs of these clients failed. We did some troubleshooting and found the BE server seems use some random ports (from 5xxxx to 6xxxx) to communicate with the clients. As these ports are not open, the backup jobs failed.
My questions are:
1) What are the required firewall ports to open on the phsycial firewall for BE 15? Bi-directionly or one direction?
2) Is there a way in BE to limit the BE server to communicate to the client via specific ports?
Thanks in advance.
See these documents
In particular, note the dynamic ports requirement as stated in the second document.
1) Bi-directional.
2) The default dynamic port range is 1025 to 65535. Secondly, open atleast 6 ports per resource. So if a remote server contains 3 resources such as C:\, D:\ and System State, open atleast 18 ports. You can specify the range from BE button - Configuration & Settings - BE Settings - Network & Security.