Backup Exec 16 and GRT restore MS Exchange 2007
Hello guys.
I have new-installed Veritas Backup 16 (on Windows Server 2012R2)
I have MS Exchange 2007 on Windows Server 2003 R2 x64bit
I configure everyday B2D-job with full backup of MS Exchange bases with GRT (only Exchange-bases no any other files)
And I have two problems with it
1. Every job is finished with error V-79-57344-65193 for some of Information store (not for all, only for two from three). I check this article in KB and do all reccomendations but no result
2. When i try to restore any item from GRT-backup (for example one email) i get BROWSE FAILURE.
The volume that is used for the staging location must be a writable NTFS volume that is local to the Backup Exec server. Also, the volume must have the same sector size as the volume from which the Exchange log files were backet up.
or for some cases the next
Unable to complete the operation. The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file: '-546 The log file sector size does not match the sector size of the current volumn. "
I check sector size for Exchange Server and for Backup Exec server(special folder on local disk, which i point GRT-restore path in Global Settings Backup Exec.
Bytes Per Sector : 512
Bytes Per Cluster : 4096
Bytes Per FileRecord Segment : 1024
Backup Exec:
Bytes Per Sector : 512
Bytes Per Physical Sector : 4096
Bytes Per Cluster : 4096
Bytes Per FileRecord Segment : 1024
So it looks like the same.
Anyone can helps me to understand what i'm doing wrong?
Hi guys I probably found a solution myself
I write here because maybe it is someone is also useful
Because it showed an error on the mismatched cluster sizes on the SOURCE disk with data and the DESTINATION disk with Storage, I did the next
1. I took an external USB drive
2. connect it to Windows Server 2003 and format it there with 512k cluster size
3. Then I connect this disk to the Windows Server 2012R2 and point to it GRT-Folder (in Backup exec options)
4. Reboot
5. All works good. All backup tasks works without any error and I can restore mailbox content without any problem
I hope this will help someone