Forum Discussion

ebondi's avatar
Level 1
6 years ago

backup exec 20 Issue with special characters in file names

Hi, I'm evaluating Backup Exec 20 option to backup linux file server but I've encountered systematic problems because the software gives errors making the backup of file and directories with special characters inside their names.

I report below an example of backup job that skips every time the same list of files and directories:

Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.
Final error category: Job Errors


V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/acq/15. PROGETTI ACQUISTI/1.1_PROGETTO_CINA backup 24_04_15/Piani_e_attività and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/acq/15. PROGETTI ACQUISTI/1.1_PROGETTO_CINA backup 24_04_15/Varie/Procedure/°DOCUMENTI per APG Shanghai and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/acq/15. PROGETTI ACQUISTI/1.4 PROGETTO WELLNESS DRAGON/OLD Analisi disponibilità and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/acq/7. VARIE/Foto Gara Pedalò 2005 and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/00.After Sales HQ/02.Business_Unit/Indicatori/Difettosità prodotto and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/12.Prodotti/Bonifiche/2002/1ø trimestre and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/12.Prodotti/Bonifiche/2002/2ø trimestre and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/12.Prodotti/Bonifiche/2002/3ø trimestre and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/12.Prodotti/Bonifiche/2002/4ø trimestre and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/12.Prodotti/Difettosità /Datamart Service/Report datamart/Report discoverer x qualità and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-33967 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory /samba/groups.besnap-a/ast/12.Prodotti/Info tecniche/REV/Rev_ex_G_Mauro/7_±30% and its subdirectories.


Is it a Backup Exec 20 bug or something else that I can workaround?



    • PSI's avatar
      Level 1

      Similar here:

      NetApp NDMP file system, backing up to LTO tapes:

      Cannot use NDMP feature because we want to encrypt backups

      Cannot use WIndows Remote Agent on an NDMP appliance

      It appears without the Windows Remote Agent available, any directories containing files or folders named with a leading special character such as parenthesis, bracket, brace, +, -, etc. will cause that driectory to be listed as "not found". This amounts to hundreds of skipped directories in a backup job.

      Is there a workaround for this issue?