Backup Exec 2010 R2 Catalog Folder is 156GB. Need to reduce without deleting everything
The catalog folder for backup exec 2010 R2 is a huge 156GB currently and I don't have much additional free space to spare.
I checked the size of the free space on the drive it's on this past friday and it had 21GB free. After the weekend jobs have run and rechecking it today (Monday after) the free space is now 12.5GB. In one weekend it's consumed a 8.5GB. At this rate I only have a few days tops before the disk is out of space.
I'd like to know how to turncate and clean up the catalog data as well as understand what if any files in the direcotry might not be valid or needed anymore. I'd like to keep the most recent catalog data possible within reason. My tape retention currently is 7 weeks so any catalog data would idealy go back that far at least.
That's past being huge!!!
I'd look at your jobs first and make sure you're not logging everything that goes on during a backup. The more information logged, the larger each catalog file is going to be. Check: Tools --> Options --> Job Logs. Summary Information is the default, and if you don't need anything else, go for this.
Also, check the catalog truncation under: Tools --> Options --> Catalog (and select: Truncate catalogs after: ). Set this to a lower time limit (default is 2 months).
There is also the option of moving your catalogs to another drive with enough space, assuming you really want to keep them all. You can do this under the same location as in the suggestion above.
Alternatively, delete any old catalogs you no longer need. The downside to this is that if you have to restore data from a deleted date, you're going to have to recatalog the tape.