Backup Exec 2010 R3, deduplication and GRT backups
I have recently installed Backup Exec 2010 R3 to obtain the latest improvements to Deduplication.
Can I ask whether the recommendation NOT to use deduplication, if you want to perform GRT backups of sharepoint and Exchange, is still the case?
Also, if I were to use Dedupe to store a Full backup (Non GRT) as well as a Full backup(GRT) will I still get the benefits of the dedupe facilities.
Just looking for clarification here.
I have an Exchange 2007 Server with 790GB data.
I perform a FULL backup of this to my dedupe device on my media server.
If I was to perform a FULL GRT backup to the same media server and dedupe device would I still get the full benefits of the deduplication. Also what would the implications be for restoring a GRT.
I am not performing Optimised deduplication to another media server so I do not think that I would have any problems, I am just looking for clarification and guidance.
I also assume that this would be the same for Sharepoint and AD agents also with GRT!
Many thanks for any guidance you may offer.
Best Regards,