Backup Exec 2012 Version 14.1798 64 Bit Unable to Restore from previous disks
I am running Backup Exec 2012 version 14.1798 64 bit.
Recently I have taken over the responsibility of backups for my organization but am finding it difficult to test the backups.
Here is an overview of the architecture:
We have four physical hard disks that are in the same Storage Pool called Harvest Ventures Weekly Backup Pool.
We rotate out each disk every week - so each disk shows up on the storage tab as Week 1, Week 2 etc.
Every Monday I replace the disk from Week 1 with Week 2 etc.
We run a Monday weekly backup for full, and daily backups (minus the weekend) for incrementals.
I backup three different sources, our SQL data, our shared drives and the configuration for the Exec backup.
When I try to restore for example the SQL data - it just shows me the latest data I can retrieve that was backed up. However, for example I completed a full backup on Monday on Week 1 disk - it is now Monday on Week 2 Disk and I completed a backup. The entire office gets hit by a meteor and Disk 2 is gone. How do I pull the last backup from Disk 1? When I plug in disk 1, it tries to restore what is on Disk 2 and complains that disk 2 isn't plugged in.
Alternatively to that, I have data that is months old on Disk 2 that I would like to try and restore as well - how can I restore the same data but from an earlier point in time?
My backups are set to run weekly daily, and the backup storage is set to retain for 1 week and 1 day (respectively). However, I have data on those drives from April and it is now August - shouldn't I only have data from August?
I have solved my issue.
Turns out I was not refering to the correct data points from the restore file.
Here are my steps in case anyone runs into a similar issue.
Backup Steps
1. Search "Disk Management" and Action -> Rescan Disks
2. Open Explorer and open the newly found disk
3. Look for the corresponding data point you wish to restore, this will be in the BEData folder
4. B2D#####.bkf files will show which data points are available by the date. For example - if you see a backup file from 08/08/2019, you should be able to find data from 08/08/0219 on the Exec Backup program
5. Open Symantec Backup Exec 2012
6. Go to the Storage Tab and ensure the disk you have plugged in, shows as online with no failures
7. Go to the Backup and Restore Tab and select the server you wish to restore
8. Select the server and click Restores -> Restore
a. Select Files, Folders, or volumes
b. Select File and folder Backups
c. Show backups from: (Your date you want that)
d. Expand the server, then the drive you wish then the date you want.
e. Find the folder you want to restore and highlight it.
f. On the right side of the panel you will see a list of files in that folder, you can select the check box to restore just that file, same goes for files or for drives.
g. Select Next
h. Select the "To a different location" radio button if you want to restore a specific file to a specific location. If a file, folder, or drive was previously selected - the location you specify will keep the file structure.
i. Select Browse and expand Known Servers and select the location you want.
j. Select a Logon Account
k. Select Next
l. Uncheck "Recreate the Directory structure ..."
m. Select Restore Files without their security Information.
n. Select Next
o. Select Next
p. Select Next
q. Select Next
r. Select Finish
9. The restore job will show up under the server you are restoring. Go to the Backup and Restore tab, then the server to see the status.
10. Once successful, navigate to the restore location specified in step 8.h and ensure the proper files have been restored
If you receive an error suggesting the media is unreachable, ensure step 1 has been followed. Otherwise, ensure the dates from the disk match what you are restoring. You can only restore from the media attached. If media for week 3 is attached, and you backed up from week 2, you cannot restore week 2 without week 2 media attached. You can, however restore from Week 3 media of last month if it is setup to do so.