10 years agoLevel 3
Backup Exec 2014 BEMCLI - SDR cmdlet shows bad information using Get-BEBackupDefinition
Morning guys,
I have a question about the cmdlet "Get-BEBackupDefinition". When I use BEMCLI queries in some BE 2014 Servers, all jobs defined returned SDR is disabled. In some cases, it is false because checking the GUI, in each job, many jobs show the green light enabled "simplified Disaster Recovery: ON".
PS >> get-BEBackupDefinition | select name,simplifieddisasterrecoveryenabled
Name1 False
Name2 False
My question is if really the cmdlet "Get-BEBackupDefinition" filtering by simplifieddisasterrecoveryenabled shows a correct information and SDR is disabled or it is a bug,