Forum Discussion

  • If you see IMG folders in your source, open them and what type of files are present inside ? Are these Backup Exec related ones ?

    Secondly per the screenshot, these IMG folders which are present in your source are not similar to the ones created by Backup Exec atleast per their names. Backup Exec's IMG folders typically have names such as IMG00001, whereas you have folders named as IMG1

  • It must be backup exec files.

    If I open IMG169 on my c drive I have a folder called vdb and that folder contains a file called file001.tmp


    All folders have the same structure.


    Thanks for your help

  • ...those folders are created when running B2D jobs. No way to avoid them being created, but did you just create a B2D location in the root of a drive?


  • EDIT**

    Just checked internally, and you seem to be facing this issue -

    Would recommend to log a formal support case for us to investigate this issue further.

  • AFAIK, BE does not create .img folders at the source.  It only create them in the disk storage directories.

  • There is a known issue with BE 2014 & the KB article is referenced above. And the screenshots which the OP has posted matches this issue.

  • @Craig : No it's a backup to disk to two different NAS.